Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Holistic Medicine What Is It

Writen by Bethany Klug

I practice holistic medicine and I'm often asked what that means. Here's how I define it.

The Gift of Time. I set aside 90 minutes for the first visit to permit time to listen to my patient's story. This way, I learn the many different factors influencing my patient's well-being and can get to the root causes. I can't do this in twelve, even 20 minutes. Sometimes a potential patient will ask why my appointments are longer than usual. I explain that my conventional medical training taught me to listen for symptoms then quickly order tests or write prescriptions. This model lets physicians see a large number of patients in a short amount of time. However, drugs and surgery silence symptoms, but rarely change the underlying disease. This never made sense to me, and I sought a different approach.

Restoring Health. I don't fight disease. I help my patients restore their health. Each patient leaves with a regimen designed to create the causes and conditions for health. With that, their own self-healing ability, an idea that goes back to at least Hippocrates, cures their ailments. I have a special interest and faith in diet to do this, but I also use bioidentical hormone replacement, nutritional supplements, homeopathy, and cranial osteopathy. I often advise patients to learn mindfulness meditation, yoga or tai chi to cultivate mind and body awareness, and to calm their overtaxed nervous systems. I refer when other modalities seem appropriate, such as acupuncture or psychotherapy.

This model of restoring health is the model of the future. My hope is that more physicians will adopt it. Until then, the American Holistic Medical Association website http://www.holisticmedicine.org has a "doctor finder" that can help you find someone like me in your area.

Bethany Klug, DO specializes in holistic medicine at the Kansas City Holistic Centre.

She teaches whole foods nutrition and holistic living online. Visit University Of Masters for information about her courses. Please enter "DRKLUG" in the referral box when you enroll.

She authors the monthly column "The Doctor Cooks" for the Kansas City Wellness Magazine. The Doctors Cooks Weblog is now online with past articles, menus, recipes, tips and other resources. Please subscribe!

Monday, March 2, 2009

No Hoodia Problem Side Effect Reported

Writen by Patsy Hamilton

The initial question that the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa wanted to answer was: Is the hoodia gordonii cactus safe? After learning that it had been used by the San, indigenous people sometimes called Bushmen, to ward off hunger and thirst when other food sources were not available. The CSIR noted that it caused weight loss in laboratory animals, but not due to any toxic effect. They observed that there appeared to be no hoodia problem, side effect or other contraindication for continued research. The following is a list of frequently asked hoodia questions.

Is the hoodia gordonii cactus safe for human consumption? Apparently, since it was eaten in its natural form by the San, but Phytopharm is still not ready to make a broad statement about any hoodia problem, side effect or overall safety. Questions about drug interaction, even interaction with other plants and herbs still need to be answered. While it was safe for the San, there are many plants and herbs that they did not have at there disposal and of course they did not need to lose weight, so it was not used for that purpose.

Is the hoodia gordonii cactus safe for breastfeeding women? No studies have included breastfeeding women, because anything that enters the mother's bloodstream will enter her breast milk. Breastfeeding women should not use hoodia gordonii supplements.

Is there any hoodia problem, side effect or other concern for people with high blood pressure? It was used by the San to treat high blood pressure, but of course they had no other medications available to them and no studies have been released concerning any hoodia problem/side effect related to blood pressure.

Is the hoodia gordonii cactus safe from extinction? This is probably only a question for those of us who are naturalists or environmentalists, but the concern for hoodia gordonii and other species of hoodia in the wild is the reason that any exporter must obtain a special license. This is the often referred to CITES document.

In conclusion, while there has been no hoodia problem side effect reported at this time, dieters should consult their doctors before beginning any weight loss program, whether it includes a hoodia gordonii appetite suppressant or not.

For more information about any hoodia gordonii problem, side effect or other concern, visit the Hoodia Info Blog.

Patsy Hamilton is an editor of the Hoodia Info Blog. Visit us at http://hoodiainfo.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Best Results For Teeth Whitening Products Amp Teeth Bleaching

Writen by Amy-Jo Strutt

There is nothing worse than smiling in the mirror and seeing 2 rows of yellow teeth. What happened to those pearly whites we had as children? Well, over time, our teeth start to darken because they absorb stains and they start to discolor. Some of the worst things we can consume that will impact the color of our teeth are tea, coffee, colas, red and smoking. The procedure known as teeth whitening or teeth bleaching is getting very popular. You no longer have to settle for those yellow teeth. You can brighten your smile either in the dentist chair, or at home using teeth whitening methods. There are a number of teeth whitening products including new tooth pastes and home use kits.

A popular method to teeth whitening is using at-home tray based teeth whitening products. This system uses a clear plastic tray that is filled with whitening gel and is then placed over your teeth. The tray is worn for several hours per day or at night while your sleep. The procedure often takes a few weeks for your teeth to come out white. Whether you do it at home or your have your dentist do it for you, it is important to use teeth whitening products that will provide lasting results, give you a naturally looking smile, are clinically proven to be safe as well as effective, uses low concentration of hydrogen peroxide and is approved by your dentist. There are a number of teeth bleaching products on the market sold over the counter that can do more harm than good.

Before you proceed with any form of teeth whiting treatment, your best bet is to consult your dentist first. They will likely be able to guide you in the right direction according to your current teeth discoloration. Yellow hued teeth respond well to teeth bleaching while gray hued teeth don't respond well at all. If you have porcelain veneers or other dental bonding, whitening will not help them at all. You will likely have to have them changed out if they are really discolored so that they match your other teeth. Because your teeth are so very important, please discuss the use of any teeth whiting products with your dentist to ensure the safety of your teeth long term.

Amy-Jo Strutt is a successful writer and regular contributor to cosmetic-surgery-laser.com - An online resource to help you find the very best information on all forms of cosmetic surgery. http://www.cosmetic-surgery-laser.com/teeth-whitening.html