Thursday, July 31, 2008

Easy Living Guide Take Care Of Your Feet

Writen by Daria Perse

Did you know that there are 52 bones in your feet? That represents one quarter of all the bones in your body! With all these bones come 66 joints and more than 200 tendons, muscles and ligaments. These elaborate and at the same time delicate parts of our body are usually expected to serve us tirelessly as long as we need them to - without being pampered properly - in most cases…

With some small changes and paying some attention to your feet, you can greatly improve the way you feel and the way your feet feel.

Comfortable shoes are the first step to happy feet. Shoes too tight can actually degenerate our feet. Whatever the shape, height of the heels, color, material or preferred style of the shoes are, your feet should feel natural when you put them on. As soon as you change the summer shoes for enclosed (fall and winter) kinds, make sure you also wear breathable socks.

Besides that, while using soap in the shower; give your feet a cleansing/refreshing massage. Pay attention to the sensation of the tiredness washing away. Try not to neglect the area in between the toes. Your feet will be grateful.

Before bedtime it helps to apply some lotion or cream to your feet. If you take a minute or two to massage allover, that will relax you and also take lots of pain away. The whole body will be more energized and feeling better.

Described above is the minimum anyone can do without much effort or spending a lot of time. To move up to the next level, involve the foot exercise.

Exercising feet is just as beneficial as exercising any other part of the body. Walk barefoot sometimes, try to pick up a pencil with your toes, walk on your toes, then on your heals; on outsides of your feet and finally on insides of your feet. That way we can keep every part of the foot flexible instead of stiff or even frozen up.

Taking care of feet should become a daily routine (especially after they become painful on a daily basis). Exercising and applying lotion every night pays-off. If nothing else, your heels won’t be all that dry anymore and falling asleep will be so much easier.

Copyright © 2006 by Daria Perse. All rights reserved.

Daria enjoys writing and researching. Her purpose is to make life simple without sacrificing the quality. Her findings are published via "Simple Living Guide" series. The complete guide on shipping internationally can be found on her webpage at:

Childhood Obesity Your Kids And Heart Disease

Writen by Ray Kelly

Shockingly, it is estimated that 22 million of the world's children under 5 are overweight or obese and approximately one in four American children are overweight. The problem this presents is that these children are more susceptible to pediatric hypertension, type II diabetes, greater risk of heart disease, the extra burden of weight on joints, not to mention, the social effects with peers. The medical community has already indicated a surge in childhood diabetes and of the children diagnosed with Type II diabetes, 85% are obese.

Childhood obesity can be caused by a combination of many factors, but certainly two of the biggest contributors are lack of exercise and poor dietary habits.

Today's youth spend several hours a day in front of televisions and computers. These activities, along with the lack of physical exercise programs at school, are not providing the energy the body requires to burn off calorie intake. Plus, energy levels continue to decline as additional weight is gained, inhibiting the desire to spend the recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise (in addition to what the child may receive during school). The benefits to physical exercise are extremely important though as it will reduce the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, along with reducing or maintaining body weight. Additional benefits include, building healthy muscles, bones and joints and improving depression and over all psychological well-being.

Dietary habits contribute to obesity as well and have changed greatly over time. Due to the busy lifestyles of two income households, the demand for quick and easy microwaveable food, fast food and snack foods have increased drastically. Also, many children are substituting soda and vending machine snacks for school lunches.

Bottom line, children look for role models. If they see the adults around them exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet, they will be more apt to do those things as well. Fun family activities could include a walk, a bike ride, playing at the playground and shooting hoops on the basketball court.

A final note, if your child is overweight, consult your doctor. Rare hormonal disorders and/or other medical conditions can be diagnosed with blood tests and medical exams.

Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Find out more about symptoms of heart disease at Risk Factors for Heart Disease or

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

User Preferences When Choosing Stair Lifts

Writen by Grace Palce

The stair lift, after all, is for them. To know their preferences, here are some questions that need answers before you purchase a stair lift.

Would the user prefer to stand, sit or stay in the wheelchair when going up and down the stairs? If the user wants to stand, a standing or perching stair lift would be needed. If the user wants to seat, a seated stair lift is appropriate. And if the user wants to stay in the wheelchair, then a stair lift with a wheelchair platform must be purchased.

How big or small is the user? A stair lift for an adult would not be suitable for a disabled child. Just as buying a second-hand stair lift meant for a child would be disastrous for the adult who is going to use it. If the user is tall, the seat must be lowered and adjusted to accommodate his height.

Most stair lifts would make the user face sideways as it travels up and down the staircase. But when the user has a stiff knee, facing sideways can be difficult and uncomfortable.. He needs to face forward and this means that the seat must be arranged to accommodate this need. It also means that the stair lift must be wider.

Some users might be slightly acrophobic, especially when the reason for their disability is falling from a dangerous height. Besides a seatbelt, additional guard rails must be installed. These might be considered redundant, but the user need not quake in fear every time he uses the stair lift.

Why types of controls would the user prefer and be most comfortable with? Controls may be a panel of push buttons, or a joystick, or toggle controls. The user must be able to use these controls with ease and proficiency. The location of the controls should also be considered. For example, the user may be left-handed or right-handed, or the user's right hand is in a cast. Placing the controls on the right side of the user would be cumbersome. If, for some reason, the user cannot handle the controls, the caregiver must be able to operate them.

Some users may be blind or have poor eyesight. The stair lift must have a form of audio signal to warn the user that he has reached the top landing or the bottom of the stairs.

And then, there are more trivial considerations such as color and design of seat. Ask the person who will use the stair lift his preferences.

Grace Palce is writing articles about stair lifts and natural remedies.

Weight Loss Exercise And Bodybuilding Tips Keeping Your Bodyfat Low Part 4 Of 10

Writen by Greg Ryan

Which is easier to do – turn a car's steering wheel while sitting still in the driveway or when it is speeding down the highway? Sure, the answer is's easier to turn when you are moving or going down the road. When things are moving, there seems to be a more fluid pace. Your time in the gym and during your workouts is the same. Keeping your body fat levels low is a matter of flow and movement.

Low Body Fat Technique #4: A Matter of Flow!

I have won numerous bodybuilding championships and have consistently exercised every week for over twenty years. The smartest decision I have ever made that has made the biggest influence on my success in the gym is; I put a time frame each day on my workouts.

At the time I did not know the impact having a sense of urgency on my workouts would have on my body fat levels. But knowing I had to complete all my exercises in a certain period of time kept me moving. The goal is to get your momentum going. Here are some suggestions on how to keep the flow in your workouts and maintain a healthy body fat level;

1. Set a reasonable time frame to your exercise session. I have a one hour and fifteen minute limit. (from start to finish)

2. Do your cardiovascular training first.

3. Pre-plan your workouts in your head prior to the workout. This cuts ten minutes out of your workout.

4. Make a contingency plan before you workout. Sometimes a crowed gym will slow you down and people are using a piece of equipment you had planed to use.

5. Do exercises that require more strength at the beginning of your workout.

6. Pre-schedule water breaks.

7. Cut the talking down to a minimum.

8. Have time limits between sets.

9. Absolutely no cell phones are allowed in the gym.

10. Bring your water bottle to the gym so you do not have to go to the water fountain and waste time.

Keeping your momentum going during your workout allows your heart rate to stay at a higher level. Over a period of time this pays off in burning more fat calories. Remember keeping your body fat levels low has a lot to do with your flow of the workout more than anything. Go with the flow!

LOSE WEIGHT NOW! For FREE Mini Course Visit - Discover the five step common sense way to lose weight and feel better. A twenty year proven formula the doc's and trainer's DON'T want you to know about! Greg Ryan is the best selling author of the Changing from the "INSIDE OUT", former Kathy Smith employee.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Choosing A Treadmill

Writen by Michael Rad

So let's answer the first question: "What treadmill model should I choose?". Well it really depends on how much you will use it, where you will use it and how much money you have. When choosing a treadmill model you should first look for two things: manufacturer and warranty. If the manufacturer is an established treadmill sports distributor, then you can be half-sure of its quality. If the warranty is also high, you made ends met and you can be fully certain of the treadmill's quality. If the warranty of the treadmill is high, it's like a confidence vote given to the machine by its manufacturer. Think about it, long warranty means a low breakdown rate.

It will be useless for you to choose a treadmill, come home and find out that you have no free space where you can set it up. Try and think of an exercising spot before you choose the treadmill and try to figure out how big or small you need your treadmill to be. Treadmills come in a large variety of models and some have the ability to fold two thirds of their body, so if you don't have a lot of room, you might want to consider this alternative.

Another important fact that needs to be taken into consideration when choosing a treadmill is that it maintains healthy exercising conditions. One of the most important factors is the thickness and mobility of the walking deck, which needs to be of at least 3 or 4 inches thick in order to avoid causing you any pains or health problems. The walking track is also extremely important as it will have to withstand a lot of direct pressure from the person who exercises, so it needs to perform at top speed while maintaining comfort levels high. The walking track should be approximately 17 inches wide in order to provide the necessary leg room for you to exercise correctly and it should also have a length of somewhere around 50 inches to provide your body with a comfortable position.

Other factors might come into play when choosing a treadmill, factors like accessories, special features, electrocardiogram devices, heart rate monitors, book-holders or whatever gadget and feature you think would be useful. Make sure that before you choose a treadmill and purchase it, you thoroughly test it if the store allows you to (and most of the important sports stores offer this opportunity).

Other resources you might find interesting: Identity Facts

Search Engine Optimization Heaven

For a complete treadmill info portal, please visit Exercise Heaven

Monday, July 28, 2008

Measure Your Progress

Writen by Chris Guerriero

An extremely important part of your fitness program is being able to measure your progress.

Body fat testing is not painful, nor is it expensive. You can get it done at most any gym or fitness center.

Simply ask if they have an expert who can measure body composition.

It's also a good idea to take before and after photos and post them somewhere you'll see them every day.

But most importantly, measure 5 - 10 different aspects of your progress.

My most successful clients measure everything in their life that's effected by their weight loss, normally on a simple scale from 1 - 10, such as:

- their daily energy level

- their attitude

- the way they feel when they look in the mirror

- the way they fit into their clothes

- the compliments they get from people

- their level of mental focus

- their waist, hips, and thigh measurements

- their body weight

- their body-fat level

- their endurance in their workouts

- etc, etc, etc...

Make a long list of ways you can measure your progress - but be sure to include things that are truly important to YOU. If having loads of energy is important to you, than you should be measuring your energy level every day to see if your diet and/or workout routine are doing their job.

On the other hand, if you already have a lot of daily energy, than you might not want to measure that - you might prefer to measure other things that are more important to you at the stage of life your currently at.

Take time to design your list, then chart your progress in a daily journal every day for each of the categories on your list. Then take an average for the whole day, and write that average at the top of your page.

For a ton of f.ree, valuable tips, tricks, and secrets visit:

© 2002-2005 Wisdom Books, LLC & Christopher Guerriero WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this blurb with it: Christopher Guerriero, is the founder of the National Metabolic & Longevity Research Center and a best-selling author, speaker, and coach to millions. He is creator of the award-winning 'Maximize Your Metabolism' system. To learn more about this step-by-step program, and to sign up for FR*EE how-to articles and F.REE teleseminars, visit

Glucose Meter Take A Minute To Shop

Writen by Bob Benson

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with diabetes, one of your first steps will likely be to find a glucose meter. There are some things to keep in mind as you make your decision because this piece of equipment is likely to be part of your life for the foreseeable future.

Cost is a major issue for most people, but there's good news if you have any kind of medical insurance. A glucose meter is typically considered to be a vital part of medical treatment and insurance companies often pay for a portion or the entire cost of the meter. At the same time, there is sometimes a limit on the amount the insurance company will pay, and that may severely limit your options.

While cost is naturally important, remember that you're going to be living this life from now on. Finding a cheaper glucose meter that requires a more serious stick for blood may seem like the best option when you're writing the check for the meter, but the tedium of the daily stick may negate that cost in the long run.

There are some companies out there that help with the cost of a glucose meter if you meet specific income guidelines. This may be a good answer if your quandary about which meter to buy is purely based on financial restraints. Remember that Medicare often pays on this important testing equipment as well. Your doctor, druggist or representative of a local medical supply company may also be good sources of information about how to find the best deals and how to get help paying for a glucose meter.

Finding a very inexpensive glucose meter may be the best answer to this situation. If the meter is accurate, it'll get you through the initial period of adjusting your life to the regular testing of your blood sugar. Then take time to do some research into what's hot and what's not in glucose meters. You'll find that some make absolutely ridiculous claims and you may have to ask some questions to find those companies that produce the glucose meter that will work best for you and your lifestyle.

One of the great things about the Internet is that it's created a global community for discussions of topics such as diabetes. You'll find there are a number of forums that will allow you to talk to others facing your situation. This is a good place for information about which glucose meter is the latest and greatest in technology, and which companies are making claims that are simply not true.

Bob Benson is the founder of Blood Glucose online. We provide information on Blood Glucose Monitors

Sunday, July 27, 2008

What Not To Drink And Eat This Summer

Writen by Jackson Smith

Summer is here and you are tired and thirsty. What do you do? Grab a cola and quench your thirst with a chilled, refreshing drink. But wait a minute. Do you know you might be doing more wrong than good to your health. Do you know cola contains Phosphoric acid which is harmful for your health? Best drink for the summer is still the good old water.

Here are some tips you can follow to stay healthy and fresh this summer:

1. Avoid any carbonated or caffeinated drink.

These drinks are acidic in nature and act as diuretics. They cause loss of fluids. Too much sugar is also harmful as it not only adds up calorie intake but all deprives body of fluid. Phosphoric acid dissolved in many soft drinks damages the inner lining of the digestive tract and affects the system.

Phosphoric acid also causes calcium to break away from bones which makes them porous and prone to injury.

2. Drink lemonade and fresh fruit juice.

Eat fresh fruits. They are low in calories and provide necessary anti-oxidants which help your skin.

3. Smoothie and milkshakes.

Drink smoothies ONLY if you are involved in heavy workouts. Smoothies and milkshakes are rich in calories and can give you an instant boost if taken right after a workout session. But you should avoid taking it during other times of the day when you are not working out or if you are weight conscious.

4. Avoid eating deep fried food like French fries and chips.

5. Minimize the intake of hot, spicy foods and extremely salty foods.

The body is capable of only retaining organic salts form found in fruits and veggies; the inorganic salt, meanwhile, is digested and needs to be thrown out of the body. And that is the reason why you need to drink water!

6. Eat fruits.

There is so many varieties of fruits available in the market during this time of the season they you will never get bored. You can choose watermelon, kiwifruit, strawberries, blueberries mangoes and many more exotic fruits.

And finally remember this simple formula. You must drink 10-12 glasses of water everyday, and add one more glass of water for every cup of coffee/tea or cold drink that you take.

Author is a traveler and has traveled most of Asia and Europe. He is a regular practitioner of tae-kwon-do and yoga. He enjoys photography, cooking and gardening and maintains blogs on the same as a hobby. You can also visit his health and fitness blog exercise and yoga for office.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome And How Do You Treat It

Writen by Tim Gorman

Dry Eye Syndrome is one of those conditions that can affect a lot of people but is often not too serious. Dry Eye Syndrome is usually brought about by a problem with the tear ducts that make sure that the eye does not dry out. Tears are mostly made up from water with a little salt and an oily outer layer so that the water does not evaporate. When the eyes blink it makes sure that the tears are distributed evenly over the eye. Then when there is too much in the eye that is not needed, it goes through into the nasal passages.

Usually Dry Eye Syndrome is just caused by the sufferer getting older. This is because our eyes produce less oil as we age and so the ability to retain the water on the eyes is not as proficient so water is lost quicker than it is replaced. Women tend to be more affected by this condition than men, but the main cause whether in men or women is aging.

There are other factors as well as getting older that can cause Dry Eye Syndrome or make it worse if it is already there. One of the main factors is the environment that people live in. If they are living somewhere that is very hot and does not have a lot of moisture in the air that can have an affect on the ability to produce moisture for the eyes. Smoking is also a very bad element for the eyes and can lead to Dry Eye Syndrome or can easily make the condition worse if it is already present. Working at computers can also be bad for the eyes and it is a good idea to take a break every so often if you feel that your eyes are getting tired.

One very simple way to keep the eyes from drying out is to blink often if you feel that your eyes are getting dry. Many people manage to keep their eyes feeling well and moist by using drops that are recommended by the local pharmacy. Another important factor to keeping your eyes healthy and moist can be your diet and it is important to make sure that you are drinking enough water each day. Another more drastic treatment is for plugs to be fitted to the drains in the eye so that the water does not drain away. If you think that you might be suffering from this condition then it is a good idea to see your doctor so that they can prescribe the best solution for you.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information on LASIK, contact lenses and dry eye syndrome that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Know Your Asthma Treatment

Writen by Michael Rad

· Let your doctor know if you are taking any other types of medication. Some medication types can affect the actions of asthma medications when combined.

· Before preparing or taking medications you should make sure your hands are clean.

· Double-check the instructions on the asthma treatment medication before taking it.

· Store the asthma drugs according to given instructions.

· The best asthma control can be achieved if you follow your asthma chart. Following the guidelines set by your doctor will increase the effectiveness of asthma inhalers and asthma medication

· Ask your doctor to describe medication side effects, although these are rare and of reduced danger.

· Make sure to always have sufficient supplies of medication nearby.

· Check out the links below for more relevant asthma control medication

There are two main components related to asthma that you can use specialized medications for: the airway inflammation and the constriction of the air passage muscles. Asthma medication is mostly used to prevent inflammation, thus reducing the negative effects of the condition and eliminating chances for asthma attacks. Here are the main types of asthma medications:

Asthma control medication

This sort of medication has to be taken on a daily basis for extended periods of time. Getting control of asthma is now possible, but only if the asthma treatment is carried our consciously and without interruptions. Persistent asthma can be subdued is the right medication is prescribed for the patient. Activity impairing asthma attacks are less frequent when the proper asthma medication is used, a fact that determines many patients to follow their asthma treatment continuously. Among long term asthma medications you will find anti inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, beta agonists and bronchodilators.

Asthma attack medication

Most quick relief medications are also very efficient during asthma attacks. Short acting bronchodilators and beta-agonists are some of the drugs commonly used to relieve asthma symptoms. Some systemic corticoids are also found in asthma medication designed for attack stoppage.

More relevant asthma information is available below:


Arthritis treatment information

Depression Treatment Expert

Friday, July 25, 2008

Weight Loss Story What Did I Do Wrong

Writen by Michael Smith, MD

Two basic approaches to losing weight; one approach is correct and the other is wrong. Which approach do you think we consistently choose? Yep...the wrong one.

The Real Weight Problem

Gaining weight is your problem, not losing it. Until you learn how not to gain weight, all weight loss efforts are done in vain. First, recognize that there are two types of weight gain...Natural Age Related Weight Gain and Weight Regain.

  1. Natural Age Related Weight Gain

    Gaining weight as you age is inevitable. Even body builders, athletes purposely building muscle, can not keep up with the body's relentless drive to slow down the metabolic rate.

    As the rate drops, the amount of energy consumed each day drops developing a huge positive energy balance, perfect for gaining weight. You have to do something with all the extra energy you're consuming.

    Unfortunately, the law of thermodynamics tells us we can not create or destroy energy. So if you eat it, plan on burning it. This way you're never left asking, "Where did I go wrong?"

  2. Weight Regain--The gaining of weight during or immediately after dieting.

    Weight regain is completely avoidable. It also is the most dangerous type of weight gain to your health.

    Many recent reports have shown that weight cycling or the Yo-Yo Diet may have associated risks far worse than obesity itself. Personally, I don't think comparing the degree of risk between yo-yo dieting and obesity is useless. Who cares?

    If you're obese or overweight, lose weight and feel better; just don't weight cycle while you try to lose the weight.

So, how are you going to lose weight, keep it off, and avoid weight cycling? I have a few suggestions...check out my next article in a few days.

In the meantime, do your own research and investigate ways to speed up your metabolism. Then, if you're feeling really academic, find ways to stabilize a fast metabolism.

If you can keep your metabolism from slowing down, weight gain of either type are non-issues.

To Healthy Living!

Michael A. Smith, MD
Chief Medical Consultant
Diet Basics
Home of the On-line Dieter

Dr. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for Diet Basics, a content rich website dedicated to the on-line dieter. Keep weight off is his new theme. Visit his site and learn all you can about how not to gain weight. Visit the Weight Loss Professional

The Difference Between Fat In Men And Women

Writen by Glenn Freiboth

It should be common knowledge that men and women store and carry fat in different areas; one need only look around to see this. In general, women tend to put on fat on their hips, legs, and buttocks while men tend to store primarily in their waistline.

Scientists call the shapes in men android or apple and the pear shape that most women have they call the gynoid. The third type of shape is androgynous, meaning appearing on males and females which is an overall coverage of body fat.

Someone who is prone to being overweight may be subject to factors such as a genetic predisposition to gain weight that comes from their parents, an under active thyroid, or as seen in recent news reports may even be infected with a virus that predisposes them to weight gain.

Fat distribution seems to be influenced by age, genetics, and race, but even more so it is governed by hormones that are specific to each gender. The estrogen hormones in women call for fat to be stored in the aforementioned pear shape while the testosterone in men leads to fat storage in the abdomen and even right above the hips.

It is not news to anyone that excessive body fat is bad for one's health but the way that fat is stored and where it is stored affects the function and health of specific organs.

There are two types of fat, subcutaneous, which is under the skin and visceral, which is around the organs. Having excess fat around the abdomen is from visceral fat which tells us that abdominal fat is the most dangerous risk to our health.

One of the easiest ways to determine excessive fat deposits is the waist to hip ratio measurement. The way you get this is by dividing your waist measurement by your hip measurement. The maximum for men is .95 for men and .80 for women. If your results are above this you need to take steps to reduce your weight.

If you are an apple shape you are prone to a variety of diseases related to obesity such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis, and more.

Pear shapes are more prone to hip and knee problems and limitations in movement due to the accumulation of fat in the lower body.

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman you should take the waist to hip ratio test and if you are over it you should begin a weight loss program immediately.

Glenn Freiboth is a Certified Health Advisor lives in Illinois and has helped many overweight and obese people lose weight and keep it off. Get Medifast weight loss products at

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Electronic Medical Record Privacy

Writen by Kent Pinkerton

Electronic medical records are meant to enhance the provision of medical care. In order to be most effective, such records need to describe each patient as comprehensively as possible. They may therefore contain information about lifestyle factors, such as engaging in high-risk sports, or smoking. Sensitive information on medications and clinical conditions are also recorded, as are risk factors for various diseases.

To protect patient privacy and to prevent misuse of confidential and potentially sensitive information, the US Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996, and a more stringent Privacy Rule went into effect in 2003. HIPAA sets required national standards for medical records, guarantees patients the right to see their own medical records, and requires providers to inform patients how their medical information is used and disclosed. However, there are still ways for interested parties to gain access to medical records.

Patient information in medical records can be accessed by a number of entities. Insurance companies often require a release of medical information before they issue a policy or make a payment on a patient's behalf. Insurance companies may, in turn, share certain medical information with other financial institutions. Under federal law, insurance companies are required to allow clients to opt out of sharing their information with other companies. Many insurance companies in the United States also share and access medical information through the Medical Information Bureau. While information in the Bureau database is not governed by HIPAA, anyone listed in the database is entitled to a free report and the right to have any incorrect information corrected.

If an individual is on any form of government-sponsored medical assistance, such as Medicare, Social Security Disability or Worker's Compensation, his or her medical records can be accessed by government agencies. In addition to insurance companies and the government, current and future employers can also gain access to medical records under certain conditions.

Electronic Medical Records provides detailed information on Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Medical Record Software, Electronic Medical Record Systems, Electronic Medical Record Companies and more. Electronic Medical Records is affiliated with HIPAA Laws.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Is The Reason For Hair Loss In Women

Writen by David Everett

Women will always consider their hair as part of their esteem, image and personality. Any hair loss, however slight, can create high stress to a woman because without hair, many women would feel incomplete and totally unattractive.

The reason for hair loss in women can be hereditary, it could be the result of an infection, the result of an overdose of a drug, or perhaps a side effect from medication. In this case, treating the infection or stopping the use of the drug will halt the hair loss. But what if this is not the case?

Finding the Reason for Hair Loss

Women are continually evolving biologically. They attain puberty at around 11 to 12 years of age. The maturity and reproductive stage starts at around the age of 16 to 35 years. They then go through a pre-menopausal stage starting from 35 years onwards. The post-menopausal stage can also cause havoc to the female hair, and usually begins when the woman is about 45-47 years old. All of these stages involve continual hormonal changes and this can be the main reason for hair loss in women.

There are also other reasons. It is possible for a woman to inherit a gene that will cause hair loss at a certain time of life, be it pre- or post- menopause. Also, pregnancy can cause a great surge of estrogen in her blood that promotes hair growth. However, immediately after birth, the estrogen level will fall drastically, and with this the hair loss can increase.

It is common knowledge that stress can cause heavy hair loss. When there is stress, the hair enters its resting phase, otherwise known as the "telogen effluvium" phase. This causes heavy hair loss.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also major causes of hair loss in women. This is caused by this type of treatment attacking the matrix of the hair and destroying it, causing massive loss of hair.

An auto-immune disorder, called alopecia areata, is yet another reason for hair loss. This remains a medical mystery. The hair follicles are deprived of the required nutrients due to a sudden inflammation of the surrounding tissues, causing sudden and profuse hair loss.

If you can identify the reason for your hair loss, this will help you to treat the problem with optimal results. Therefore, your efforts should be concentrated on discovering the root cause of your problem utilising professional medical diagnosis before proceeding with any treatment.

Get more information on the cause of hair loss (and the cures!) at

How Does Propecia Finasteride Help In The Treatment Of Hair Loss

Writen by Richard Mitchell

Finasteride was initially marketed to treat prostate conditions under the name Proscar in 5mg pills. It was known to inhibit the formation of DHT, a major contributor to both prostate cancer and male pattern hair loss.

Subsequent research showed that a 1mg daily dose of the same drug was sufficient to control hair loss for 83% of men after two years of treatment. Since 1998 this version has been marketed under the brand name Propecia and it remains the only prescription drug approved by the FDA specifically to treat hair loss. This approval extends only to men's hair loss because of the dangers finasteride presents to unborn male fetuses. Women of child bearing age should therefore consult with their physician before considering the use of this drug.

The main purpose of Propecia is to halt hair loss and maintain what hair coverage is left. It is therefore popular with younger men who want to control hair loss at an early stage. Men of all ages use it in combination with minoxidil to achieve a hair loss strategy that both halts hair loss and encourages new growth.

Propecia works by interfering with the process of androgenetic hair loss which usually follows this process:

1. High levels of an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase occur in cells of the hair follicle.

2. This enzyme converts testosterone into DHT.

3. DHT causes miniaturization of robust terminal hairs.

4. This results in fine, soft vellus hairs that provide limited scalp coverage.

5. The growth phase gradually shortens until these hairs are lost permanently.

Propecia inhibits the formation of DHT and over a period of several months reduces levels of DHT sufficiently to minimize its effects on the hair follicle.

As with any drug, finasteride can cause side effects to a minority of users. The FDA trials reported a 2% incidence of varying side effects but these tended to lessen as the body adjusted to the drug over a period of months. Although Propecia or cheaper generic versions are easily obtained on the internet it is strongly recommended that you seek the advice of your doctor, at least in the first instance.

You can find out more about Propecia and other hair loss treatments at the site listed below.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the, website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss. Please go to Propecia to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Exercise Or Tummy Tuck

Writen by Arturo Ronzon

For most people, a saggy belly is not a nice thing to have. It severely limits you swimsuit options and in some cases, the types of clothes that you can wear. Saggy bellies can occur if your abdomen is overstretched beyond its ability to pull itself back together again. Being pregnant with a large baby could cause a saggy belly after delivery. Similarly, losing a lot of weight in a very short amount of time could also cause you to have a saggy belly. When dieting or exercise fail to address a saggy belly, people turn to the tummy tuck plastic surgery procedure.

The tummy tuck is a surgical procedure where the abdominal area is 'tucked' back into shape. This includes the tightening of the stomach muscles by stitching them together and the removal of excess skin after removing unwanted abdominal fat. Tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure that is normally done under general anesthetics. Recovery time can take anywhere from 6 months to a year. The abdomen will be sore for the first few weeks after surgery but will then fade away. There will be scars that should fade away as time goes by but the scar is usually below the bikini line.

A saggy belly is usually caused by the inability of the abdomen to 'bounce back' into shape once it has been overstretched. Proper dieting and exercise can still tighten the muscles in the abdomen but then the skin on the surface could pose a problem. Unlike the abdominal muscles, the skin cannot easily shrink itself to fit snugly over a well-toned stomach muscle if the skin has been overstretched. Overstretched skin loses its elasticity and will continue to hang loose unless treated.

Having a tummy tuck is one way to address a saggy belly. Since the tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure, you could reduce the amount of trauma to your body by attempting proper diet and exercise before undergoing a tummy tuck. You might be doing enough to tighten your stomach muscles underneath and maybe even lose some fat. Then your tummy tuck surgeon needs only to trim off the sagging skin and remove minimal fat. This could improve your recovery time.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Vitamin C The Key To Great Health

Writen by Srivathshan Nagarajan

Vitamin C is important to all animals, including humans, because it is vital to the production of collagen. Vitamin C is also important because it helps protect the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as fatty acids from oxidation. Vitamin C prevents and cures the disease scurvy, and can be beneficial in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. I have to confess that I knew nothing until I joined my pharmacy, about what collagen was, and why it was so important? Collagen is the most ubiquitous substance in the body because it is the most abundant of the fibers contained in connective tissue. Connective tissue gives our body form and supports our organs. Collagen is everywhere in the body, and vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen. So, how is vitamin C involved in collagen synthesis? When collagen is produced, there is a complex series of events, some occurring inside of the cell, and some outside of the cell. Vitamin C acts inside the cell, where it adds hydrogen and oxygen to proline and lysine, the amino acids. This helps form a procollagen that is later modified into collagen outside the cell.

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, and grapefruit, and vegetables including tomatoes, green pepper, potatoes and many others. Vitamin C is easily damaged during the food preparation stage, such as during chopping, exposure to air, cooking, boiling, and being submerged in water. The amount of Vitamin C is high enough in most foods that the quantity that remains after processing is usually more than enough for a daily supply.

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin C is 60 to 90 milligrams per day. Individuals who smoke cigarettes are encouraged to consume more mgs of vitamin C than average adults. This is due to the fact that smoking depletes vitamin C levels in the body and is a catalyst for biological processes which damage cells. Intake of antioxidants like vitamin C can prevent or counteract cell damage due to aging and exposure to antioxidants. A high dose of vitamin C at the beginning of a cold has shown only to reduce the severity of the symptoms rather curing or preventing the cold.

It is interesting to note that Vitamin C is used as an inexpensive preservative in many processed foods, making deficiencies even rarer.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is Laparoscopic Bypass Surgery Right For You

Writen by John Mancini

In American weight today, there are two very different issues that are basis for discussion. The number of obese people is on the rise and the pressure that society as a whole puts on people to be thin. For the morbidly obese, the issue is less about looks and more about health, they would not only like to look better, but also to be healthier and live longer. When diet and exercise do not work, many people turn to laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery.

When the smaller pouch stomach is created, it is directly connected to the middle portion of the small intestine. By doing this, the digestive process moves past, the point where calories are absorbed (the malabsorption part of the procedure). With the calorie absorption severely limited, the weight loss method is completed. However, the part of the small intestine that is bypassed to stop calorie absorption is also the part that absorbs need nutrients such as vitamin B12 and calcium. If these deficiencies become too much of an issue, supplements will be prescribed.

There are risks involved with the Laparoscopic bypass surgery, while they generally are not major, you should still seek the advice and knowledge of your surgeon before you decide if this procedure is right for you and your personal situation. These risks can include death, vomiting, diarrhea, repeat surgeries and infection.

The Laparoscopic bypass surgery is performed by making a small pouch from the top section of the existing stomach. The rest of the stomach is then stapled shut, it is not removed from the body, but it is no longer used either (this is the restrictive portion of the surgery). The pouch holds approximately a quarter of volume as the complete stomach did; this is one of the ways weight loss is achieved.

The Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is, by far, the most commonly performed surgery in America today. Many in the bariatric industry have even called it the Gold standard. The reason for this is because this surgery combines a restrictive surgery with a malabsorption procedure, the result is quicker weight loss with less risk of vitamin deficiencies.

John Mancini has been writing about Gastric Bypass online and offline for a long time. Visit or to read more about matters like laparoscopic surgery and laparoscopic gastric bypass.

Smile Makeovers Gone Bad

Writen by John Russo

Television shows such as "Extreme Makeover" The Swan, and Doctor 90210, have created a large demand for cosmetic dentistry. The doctors and the dentist on these shows are an elite group of highly trained professionals that are able to create what was once considered impossible.

A highly trained and accomplished dentist is capable of incorporating a whole host of dental procedures in conjunction with artistic perception to produce that perfect smile. Unfortunately not all dentists that try their hand at large scale cosmetic cases posses the training and or the artistic perception required to deliver the smile the patient desires.

I can empathize with your situation. Porcelain veneers are considered to be permanent restorations, with aesthetics and strength similar to that of natural teeth. Veneers placed properly, should last between 7 to 15 years, barring trauma.

You stated your veneers were done to straighten your teeth. To assure the best result this procedure requires a suitably trained cosmetic dentist in close concert with the dental laboratory; together they create your new smile in the form of a wax model. The method I prefer is to create your new smile [temporally] with tooth colored plastic over your natural teeth. With this method the patient has the advantage of seeing their new smile in their mouth. Both of the above procedures allow you to see what your new smile will look like before the dentist starts reducing your natural teeth. If changes are to be made it is relatively easy at this point in the procedures.

Your dentist may have used the "prep and pray" technique. Utilizing this technique, the dentist prepares the teeth and then allows the lab technician to create the veneers without a clear plan on what the final smile should look like. This is very risky and lends itself to a lot of surprises!

A properly trained cosmetic dentist will carefully plan for the final result. There should never be surprises when veneers are placed. When veneers are properly prepared, the temporaries should be very close in shape and size to the final veneers. If necessary, the temporaries can be altered. The laboratory is notified of the changes, so they can be incorporated into the permanent veneers.

It sounds like your dentist lacked the proper training and or aesthetic vision needed to accomplish the desired result. Properly done, a veneer case should look great, feel great, and last a number of years.

Better smiles for all.

Dr. John J. Russo is a graduate of the University of The Pacific School Of Dentistry. He is the director of The Cosmetic dental Center and Russo Dental Care.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How The Liver Prevents Acne

Writen by Rudy Silva

The liver is responsible for detoxifying the blood as it comes from the colon, lungs, and lymphatic system. Once detoxified, this blood moves into your entire body to provide your cells with oxygen and digested nutrients.

Because you eat, breathe, and create so many toxins, the liver has a hard time neutralizing these toxins. If you are constipated, this puts an extreme toxic load on your liver, which eventually leads to the excretion of these toxins through your skin and face. Excessive toxins coming out through your skin can lead to acne and other skin disorders.

All cellular wastes, used up hormones, and excess hormones are routed to the liver through your lymphatic system. Once in the liver, the liver starts the detoxifying process. If the liver is overloaded with toxins, it will start to store these toxins in its own cells, in the cells of your organs, in your joints, in your skin, or any other place where the body is weak.

Hormones, such as androgens that are not neutralized by the liver, can get back into the blood and move into the skin cells where they pile up and cause an over production of sebum that will flow into the hair follicle. This over production can cause acne.

Eating good fiber daily can keep your colon clean and free of constipation. Fiber can also trap excess hormones and prevent them from being reabsorbed into your blood through your colon walls.

If you are a typical eater, then most likely you have been surviving on junk food. The quantity of toxic chemical and non-food additives that are in the food that you eat accumulates in your colon, your liver, your blood, and in your face as toxins that needs to be neutralized and eliminated.

All junk food and processed food is detrimental to your health and to your face. Once you stop punishing yourself and forcing your body to process toxic food products, you will have a chance of clearing your colon, liver, blood and the blemished conditions of your face.

One other thing, when the liver is congested and weak, it does not produce enough bile. Bile is needed in your small intestine to help digest fat and to promote good colon health. In your colon, bile helps to activate peristaltic action and thus prevents constipation.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Effects Of Bulimia

Writen by Thomas Morva

People with bulimia have an eating disorder that causes them to binge on food and then, usually, throw up the food during binge-and-purge cycles. Some people may exercise excessively or abuse diuretics or laxatives. Although there is no known cause of bulimia, people who suffer from the disorder tend to be perfectionists who strive to make others happy, and they may also be stressed or depressed. Genetics and social messages also contribute to bulimia's development.

One of the most marked effects of bulimia is on the teeth and mouth. Frequent vomiting brings up stomach acid into the mouth, eroding teeth's enamel. Cavities and gum infections are common in people with bulimia. The stomach acid also irritates the esophagus, producing heartburn, and the salivary glands, making them swell.

Bulimia harms the entire body. People with bulimia also tend to be constipated from laxative abuse and improper nutrition. Bulimics typically eat high calorie, low nutritional value foods like breads or ice cream. As a result, they may be undernourished and have dry skin, hair, and nails. Bulimia causes mineral and vitamin deficiencies and can lead to chronic kidney problems, including kidney failure. Dehydration is also common in people with bulimia. Undernourishment and dehydration lower the body's electrolytes, causing an irregular heartbeat or heart problems. The effects can be serious. When potassium drops severely, it can cause the heart to stop, resulting in death.

Bulimia affects people's mental and emotional well-being. These problems can come directly from bulimia, or bulimia may be a response to the other problems. People with bulimia may be tired and unable to perform at peak levels from the mental and physical stress bulimia puts on the mind and body. Depression, low self-esteem, and extreme perfectionism are common in people with bulimia. Bulimia can cause tension with family and friends, interrupting the lives of people with the disorder.

The most severe effect of bulimia is death. Ten percent of people with bulimia eventually die from its effects, usually from the electrolyte imbalance caused by dehydration.

Bulimia Info provides detailed information about the causes, symptoms, and effects of bulimia; bulimia treatment and recovery; the relationship between anorexia and bulimia; and information about the "pro bulimia" viewpoint. Bulimia Info is affiliated with Original Content.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Adult Acne Does The Boot Fit

Writen by Andy Will

It has been said that all of us has been prone to the odd zit or two at some point in our lives. This is all very good but what happens if you are constantly bombarded with spots and they never seem to go away?

Yes, this actually does happen to a lot of people and it is said that as much as 25% of all adults suffer from some form of adult acne.

Although there are many speculations to the real causes of acne in adults (as well as acne in all ages) it is also true that there are many treatments and cures. The problem is that there are so many so called cures and treatments on the market ranging from medical, natural and even psychological treatments…

So, which ones work?

Many people blame adult acne on their hormones and therefore get hormonal treatment; others prefer medical cures such as benzoyl peroxide (good for teens – but what about adults?).

Others I know swear by natural treatments and have opted for the "acne-free" info products which (in my opinion) have some of the quickest and safest results.

If you're female then it may be interesting to know that the birth control pill has been acclaimed as one of the quickest methods of clearing up adult acne - although not much good for the rest of us.

I personally used to love going on holiday as I found that using certain sun-tanning lotions (as well as the sun itself) helped my acne and cleared it up for a while – although I understand this wouldn't work for 95% of others. Perhaps I should have moved to somewhere warmer?

I have even heard it mentioned that "one should adopt" in order to stay on the birth control pill – and thus keep acne at bay! However, I am hoping this was a joke …

On the other hand, adult acne can really mess with your life. I have lost count of the number of people I have spoken to or have come across in bulletin boards that tell me that acne has played a real part in their relationships. Many folk feel so self-conscious and are unable to find a partner because of how they feel about themselves and how they think others' see them.

As many of us know, this is all too often not the case at all.

So, in summing up, I would say try out a number of treatments but don't just stick to what you know or what you've been told as there are a number of treatments out there that could have your cure written all over them – all you've got to do is find the right one.

Like I said at the start - if the boot fits, wear it.

All the best, Andy

Andy's website helps adult acne sufferers with their acne problems. Please visit the site for more information on Adult Acne.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vitamin C A Vital Part Of A Healthy Diet

Writen by Valerie T

There are many vitamins that make up a part of a healthy daily diet, but perhaps none have been as widely studied as vitamin C - also know as Ascorbic Acid. This water soluble vitamin plays a role in many important bodily functions. Since it is water soluble, it must be continuously replenished because what the body does not use is eliminated via the urine.

Vitamin C has been studied for everything from its ability to fight off colds and flu to the possibility of preventing cancer. There is still much excitement surrounding the power of vitamin C, and it is still the subject of much ongoing research.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 60mg. While vitamin C supplements are widely available, inexpensive and easy to take, the foundation of vitamin C intake is still a healthy and varied diet. Fortunately, there are many fruits and vegetables which are delicious and rich in vitamin C, including of course the wonderful orange. One orange supplies a full 65mg of vitamin C, while a single slice of kiwi fruit can have as much as 180mg per slice. In addition, guava fruit, orange juice and grapefruit juice are delicious sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is one of the most common of all vitamin supplements, and it has been taken by many people for a variety of reasons. From preventing colds and flu to helping in the fight against cancer, vitamin C supplements have been widely studied for many years. Most vitamin C supplements will be either 500mg or 1000mg strengths.

Vitamin C works well along with vitamin E and other antioxidant vitamins, and many people prefer to use the two supplements together in balance, or to take a daily multivitamin that contains both elements.

While there are no known problems associated with an over-abundance of Vitamin C, it is a good idea to stick within recommended daily allowances. Overdoses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea in some people, especially as the body adjusts to higher levels of the vitamin. Those who develop such symptoms are advised to cut down on the amount until their bodies have had a chance to adjust.

The most well known vitamin C deficiency is a disease called scurvy, and while scurvy is rarely seen today, vitamin C deficiencies can manifest in other ways, including such symptoms as reduced healing of wounds and poor skin tone.

Looking for more info about vitamins? Look no further! gives you all the basic info you need about vitamins and supplements. Visit this vitamins website now!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Scalp Psoriasis

Writen by Jimmy Sturo

Psoriasis appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with dead skin cells on the skin. Scalp psoriasis can be mild, with fine scaling or thick with crusted plaques, covering the entire scalp. The areas of the skin grow very rapidly and form red, scaling patches. Patients experience severe itchiness, a feeling of tightness and soreness, accompanied by hair loss. Scalp psoriasis is a common form of psoriasis affecting over 50% of patients.

Treatments for scalp psoriasis are generally temporarily effective and continued over a long period. Moderate exposure of the scalp to sunlight and regular washing of the head helps reduce the spread of the condition. Certain shampoo treatments control the spread of psoriasis. Other treatments prescribed by doctors include coal tar, dithranol, salicylic acid, cortico-steroids and Vitamin D derivatives.

The correct method of application of the treatment is important. The hair is parted into sections and the medication is rubbed into the exposed area. It is necessary to comb and brush the hair regularly in order to remove scaling. Shampooing with a coal tar based shampoo followed by a cortisone lotion rubbed into the scalp is recommended. A frequent break in the regimen ensures that the psoriasis does not become resistant to treatment.

Topical medications like corticosteriods are effective against scalp psoriasis. They are available in solutions, gels, creams, lotions and ointments. A two-week cycle of treatment is commonly recommended for strong steroids.

In cases of mild scalp psoriasis, doctors inject the scalp lesions with steroid medications. The medication is absorbed into the system and is therefore sparingly used.

Systemic medications or prescription medications are administered to patients with moderate to severe scalp psoriasis. Biologic drugs that are made from living human or animal proteins block or eliminate various immune system cells involved in scalp psoriasis.

Since psoriasis is known to be a waxing and waning condition, it usually subsides with regular treatment. It is unusual for anyone to suffer extensive scalp psoriasis for a long time, especially if they seek medical help and use treatments as directed. Any medical regimen for psoriasis needs to be closely supervised by a dermatologist.

Psoriasis provides detailed information on Psoriasis, Psoriasis Treatment, Scalp Psoriasis, Psoriasis Cure and more. Psoriasis is affiliated with Acne Rosacea.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Popeyes Reading Glasses Theyll Make Your Eyes Pop Out

Writen by Steve Cogger

The term popeyes reading glasses refers not to the shape of your eye, or a condition known as popeyes. Nor does it refer to that spinach-ingesting sailor who loved Olive Oyl. No, Popeyes reading glasses refers to a style of reading glasses manufactured by Scojo Vision. Popeyes reading glasses offer some of the best compact magnification you will find in reading glasses.

When choosing your Popeyes reading glasses you have many options. Let's see what's available.

The Scojo Popeyes reading glasses are similar to so called pen readers because they are slim, and about the size of a standard writing pen. These popeyes reading glasses are lightweight and come in a very colorful options both full framed and rimless options. While you are not able to get customized lenses placed in these frames you can choose the magnification for these popeyes reading glasses. Choices in magnification range from a +1.00 to a +3.00 every quarter of a diopter with the exception of +2.75 which are not available.

These Scojo Vision Popeyes reading glasses are made for convenience. They are small and compact and easily fit in one's pocket or purse. This makes the popeyes reading glasses very easy to have with you whenever you might need them.

Popeyes reading glasses come rimless with a wide variety of colors on the temples. You can choose rimless popeyes reading glasses in black, silver tortoise, kiwi, raspberry, or blueberry. The full frame variety is available in a rectangular shape and also in the newest style, the popeye-O which is oval. They are available in black, tortoise, ruby, emerald, sapphire, amethyst and ruby.

Do you need just the thing to whip out in a fabulous nightlife setting? Check out Popeye Ice these popeyes reading glasses are extremely slim and decorated with rims of Swarovski crystal pieces all around the frame. They are very classy looking and high quality.

All popeyes reading glasses feature European spring hinges which allows for ease in putting them on and off, and come with a thin aluminum case with a flip top that is spring loaded for easy opening and closing. Popeyes reading glasses retail at around $55-$65 making them a great value.

Steve Cogger co founder of an online reading glasses boutique is a licensed optician treating presbyopes on a daily basis. Visit today for your free report.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Will Yoga Help You Lose Weight

Writen by Jeff Smith

I suppose it was only a matter of time before the mass marketing about diet and fitness and weight loss caught up with Yoga.

After all, Yoga is certainly going through a period of resurgance - not the first, as these things typically move in cycles as does most of the market.

Typically though, when you read about Yoga, the topic is peace of mind, spirituality, relaxation, meditation, perhaps physical conditioning and strength (both physical and mental).

This time though, the debate rests squarely on yoga's ability to shed pounds in a society that is struggling with record levels of obesity on the one hand, and a severe "thin" image problem held by popular celebrities on the other.

A recent study started the heated debate by claiming a link between yoga and weight loss.

Specifically, the study found that middle-age people who practice yoga tended to experience gradual weight loss over a 10-year period, while those that did not practice yoga seemed to experience fairly substantial weight gain over the same period.

Since the study was released, a constant barrage of skeptics have pointed out flaws in the research that range from self-reported results to missing many other factors that may lead people to both practice yoga and have reduced weight.

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, at least based on my own experiences.

It is much more likely that the positive factors of yoga and meditation have on your mind and body impact your self-image, nutrition choices, and overall stress level which are major factors in weight control. We point to many of the benefits of practicing yoga over at:

Stress not only results in unhealthy binge eating and poor nutritional choices, but actually has physiological impacts on your body that often result in craving foods that can result in greater weight gain such as sugars, starches and carbohydrates.

In the end, what is important is that you are becoming healthier, happier, experience less stress in your life and enjoy your life to the maximum possible.

Let the journalists fight it out over who is technically right, after all, they are likely all fighting to meet deadlines and beat each other's coverage of the story.

It's time I took a break and go practice some meditation.

Discover A New World Of Peace, Tranquility, Happiness, and Spirituality To Help You Make Sense Of It All. Visit Us At - it's Like A Breath Of Fresh Air!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pro Form Treadmills Quality At A Cheap Price

Writen by Dean Iggo

The Pro Form treadmill brand offer a number of good quality, low cost treadmills aimed at beginners. Priced between $500 and $1500, they represent relatively good value for money but only for people who will use the equipment lightly as they are not made to withstand tough workouts.

Pro-Form treadmills have been around for ages and fall under the umbrella of Icon Health and Fitness, the largest manufacturer of fitness equipment in the world. Their claim to fame came with the introduction of SpaceSaver(TM) technology which allowed the treadmills to be folded up after use and hence saved was amazing back in the day! :)

Nowadays many treadmills have adopted this fold-away feature and Pro Form treadmills ave been somewhat forgotten about.

I believe however that there is a place in the market for Pro Form treadmills and if you are just a beginner wanting a cheap treadmill from a reliable company then this brand could be the one for you.

The only problem I have with Pro-Form is that they only offer a 90-day warranty and their treadmills are inexpensive which usually makes my alarm bells ring. This makes me think that if you are a little more serious about exercise and fitness and are wanting a machine that will support your rigorous workouts then you should perhaps look elsewhere.

You are probably better off looking at treadmills with decent warranties i.e. 2 years or more, however expect these to be a little more expensive (remember you get what you pay for). For a list of the best brands and online suppliers send a blank email to


Pro Form offer a wide range of equipment with most priced between $500 and $1500. If you are new to fitness and exercise then these treadmills are a good entry level option.


The main drawback of Pro-form treadmills is that most of them only have short 90 day warranties so may not withstand intense workouts. Also the cheap price suggests that they aren't that durable.


Pro Form are a well known brand that have been around for ages. They offer a large range of treadmills priced in the low ($500) to mid ($1,500) price range. They are a good entry level treadmill but for more serious, seasoned runners I highly recommend spending a bit more and buying a more durable treadmill with an extended warranty.

Dean Iggo is a keen fitness enthusiast and home gym user. He is also the webmaster of a website providing unbiased treadmill reviews and tips.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How To Treat Your Acne Part 2 Prescription Medications

Writen by John Lenaghan

In many cases, acne is relatively minor and can be treated with over-the-counter medications. More severe cases will usually need to be treated by a dermatologist and prescription medication. Even in moderate cases, these medications can often be more effective than what you can buy over-the-counter.

There are two forms of prescription treatments for acne - oral and topical. One of the more common treatments for acne is antibiotics which can be taken in either form.

The most common antibiotic for dealing with acne is tetracycline, which kills the bacteria that cause acne and helps to reduce the inflammation associated with it. These treatments can take weeks or even months and usually have to continue even after the acne has cleared up.

A common side effect of tetracycline is an increased sensitivity to sunlight. This can lead to bad sunburns if you are exposed to the sun for too long. Other possible side effects can include dizziness, hives and an upset stomach.

Antibiotic ointments generally have less complications than oral. Plus, when combined with other treatments such as benzoyl peroxide, the bacteria are less likely to become resistant to the antibiotics.

Retinoids are another type of acne treatment. They're derived from vitamin A and are usually in the form of creams or lotions. They're effective for opening clogged pores, which helps to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads. Dry skin is one of the common side effect of retinoids.

Oral retinoids are often used to treat more severe acne that isn't responding to other treatments. They cause the top layer of skin to peel which helps to unclog clogged pores. They also minimize the amount of sebum produced by the body, which is one of the factors that leads to acne.

Oral retinoids can have some serious side effects, however. They can cause birth defects if they're used during pregnancy. They can also lead to liver damage as well as depression, so ongoing medical care is necessary to be sure that they are not causing more problems than they are solving.

If you are dealing with acne - even a mild case - you should consult with a health care professional before choosing any treatment. If your case is more severe, discuss the various options with your doctor or dermatologist to determine the best treatment method for your particular situation.

John Lenaghan writes about adult acne and other acne related topics on the Acne Squad website. For more information visit

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Best Deep Skin Peel

Writen by David Maillie

Both men and women are lining up in droves willing to pay hundreds, if not thousands, for a good, deep skin peel. Is it true that wrinkles can be cured, precancerous legions and spots treated, acne cured along with its resultant scars, removal of years of sun damage, freckles, etc? Yes, with a deep skin peels all this and more is possible and thousands are done every day.

There are four different types of skin peels:

1) AHA peels – Glycolic, lactic, malic, etc… These are more superficial and minimally effective. They are good for reduction in oilyness and are effective in treating minor pimples. AHA peels must be redone every 2-3 weeks for maximum effect.

2) BHA peels- Salicylic acid. This is, like AHA peels, a weaker acid, but it has one major difference. It is oil or lipid soluble. Unlike AHA peels, salicylic will actually go right into all the pores and clean them out. It is therefore more effective for minor acne than glycolic and the other AHA's. This is why Murad salicylic acid) is so much more effective than Proactive (benzoyl peroxide)

3) TCA peels – trichloroacetic acid. TCA peels are a deep skin peel. They treat more skin ailments and conditions than any other skin peel and are easier to use. Deep skin peels can treat all stages of acne, reduce symptoms, kill acne causing bacteria better than any other product, and even treat scars that have resulted from acne. More dermatologists use TCA deep skin peels than any other treatment for acne for these same reasons. It is just as effective as Accutane without any of the real serious side effects. The best thing is you only need to do 1 or 2 deep TCA peels per year for maximum results. And you can now even purchase these TCA peels for in home use.

4) Phenol. Phenol peels are rarely used as they often result in permanent skin bleaching and pigmentation problems. Phenol is toxic and requires anesthesia and heart monitoring. Almost no one uses this peel any more.

Deep skin peels can be very effective and the TCA peel is regarded by dermatologists to be the best one. It has been touted as the fountain of youth in a bottle and is now available for home use. It is the easiest to use, the most effective, and safest. For more information on deep skin peels like the TCA peel, contact us at

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

Acid Reflux Symptoms My Stomach Is On Fire

Writen by Jeff Foster

Burning, oh the burning in my stomach and even my throat! Acid reflux symptoms are most often described by sufferers as burning, gnawing, painful and oh, yes, chronic…like the kind that refuses to go away, chronic…and persistent…and burning!

Painful, chronic persistent heartburn that lasts three or more months and occurs at least twice each and every week is often diagnosed as Acid Reflux Disease or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). This pesky little nuisance can cause long term damage to the esophagus if left untreated. Erosive esophagitis, wow…that even sounds painful just reading those words…, occurs when the gastric acids bubbling backwards through the LES, the lower esophageal sphincter, and into the esophagus eventually eroding away the lining of the esophagus causing not only the erosions but often times inflammation and tissue damage as well. This leaves the patient with a very painful esophagus which can make swallowing undesirable and quite difficult.

In the adult population, acid reflux symptoms are classically seen as heartburn, chest pain, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), pain or an uncomfortable feeling in the upper middle part of the stomach (dyspepsia) and even difficulty swallowing or the feeling of a lump in the throat. Less common symptoms include a chronic cough, wheezing, hoarseness, a sore throat and earaches.

When trying to minimize the symptoms of GERD it is important to remember that everyone is different! Some easy things to try include losing weight if obesity is an issue, avoiding or at least decreasing alcohol consumption, eliminating or decreasing smoking, and avoid foods which may trigger acid reflux symptoms. Food triggers can include chocolate, caffeinated drinks, spicy foods, garlic, onions, tomato-based foods, fatty foods, fried foods, mint flavorings, citrus fruits. Bummer, sounds like that leaves out a lot of my favorite foods!!

But it is certainly worth making the lifestyle changes necessary to avoid the pain of acid reflux disease symptoms.

For more important information on stomach pain be sure to visit where you will find advice and tips on common stomach pain causes such as acid reflux, ulcers, and other articles that you can view at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Losing Weight Doing Nothing Special Naturally

Writen by Anand Srinivasan

Well weight loss is one thing that is prime in the minds of most youngsters today. The kind of work that most of us do leaves little or no time for exercizing. Dieting should be the last resort. After all, noone wants to end up anorexic. There are quite a few diet pills as well. But most of them are either believed to cause side effects or actually do so.

One of the most trusted options for weight loss is green tea. However most of them end up with no results. Quite a few probabilities to figure out why the most trusted options is not working out for a few of them.

Firstly, green tea is a herbal supplement and so gives you results only if you have it the correct format. To lose weight, green tea must be taken in an unsweetened format. Adding sugar to your tea defeats the whole purpose of having it as a weight losing beverage. It is not that taking sweetened green tea doesn't act, but sweetening actually neurtralizes the work done by the herbal green tea. So, it is best to take it unsweetened. You can lose upto 5-8 pounds in a week.

But most of them find it difficult to actually take in unsweetened tea. And so use artificial sweeteners that add zero calories. Though this is not very counterproductive, it is better to check out on a few things before you go ahead with this format. Check if the artificial sweetner contains Aspartame. Green tea is an antioxidant and Aspartame when mixed with liquid at 37 degrees (our body temperature averages about that) turns into Formeldahyde (the same stuff in which cadavers are preserved. It's also in nail polish). Ever hear the saying that diet drinks keep you looking younger? It's not just a saying, it's true. Diet stuff usually contains Aspartame and Formeldahyde is a preservative. It preserves your body. So what ends up happening is that the antioxidant in Green Tea will keep trying to focus on flushing the remnants of the Formeldahyde more than working on everything else in your system. You won't really see the results as much as you should.

But most other artifical sweetners contain sucralose (made when sugar molecules are "exploded" with chlorine (basically chlorine atoms substitute three of the hydrogyen-oxygen combos).When you use such sweeteners, the sweetening effect basically has no effect on the green tea's action and you might possibly see the expected results.

Anand Srinivasan is the author of, a growing website of random and informative articles for the surfer who wants to surf but doesnt exactly know what to!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pick Up Your Pen And Lose Weight

Writen by Patti Testerman

Although every dieter knows that keeping food records is a key to permanent weight loss, few understand the importance of also keeping an "emotional journal."   In fact, one dieter lost 100 pounds, thanks in part to the insights gained through daily journaling.

Dieting for weight loss can be as simple as keeping that food diary, or (the more challenging) dipping into the dark waters of the psyche.  For example, which  emotions motivate, sabotage, side-track, or inspire?  Which people are supportive, which ones undermine your focus with snide remarks or constant invitations to ice cream? All will be revealed inside your private journal.

Of all the journal exercises for gaining insight, a favorite is the "Letter to My Body."  In this exercise, the dieter actually pens a letter to self, being as honest as possible.  A sample might be "Dear Fat Body, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.  I hate your rolls of fat on me, I hate that my knees hurt, I hate that you'd rather have a Danish than let me feel good about myself.  I hate that you've been good all day and I know that tonight you'll be a pig."

What does that type of letter accomplish?  For many—instead of adding to an already huge portion of self-loathing—it provides a powerful way of recognizing and reversing trigger situations.  In this example, when nighttime does come and the journaler heads for the pint of Ben and Jerry's, there's a good chance the letter will be remembered.  And, an even better chance that instead of eating a pint, some or none will be chosen.

Journaling to lose weight also involves writing about how your food choices will make you feel tomorrow when you get on the scale, or when you sit down to journal again.  And, as you write these letters to self, you'll quickly begin to connect the dots, and track the ways in which everyday life impacts your food choices.

Keeping a journal will also help with weight loss because it's almost impossible to get to know yourself on a deep, intimate level and then continue with self-destructive behavior.  Fortunately, we're just not made that way. 
So tonight, instead of settling in with a pizza and beer, take some time to write a letter to yourself and analyze what your hunger is really about.  I guarantee you, it isn't food.

Patti Testerman is content manager at, the only online site that analyzes your writing and then gives you instant feedback. Want to discover self-defeating patterns, or find better ways to communicate in a relationship?  Check out our site.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment

Writen by Jason Gluckman

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a dreadful and life-threatening cancer, caused by continuous and long exposure to asbestos. It is a tumor that affects the lining of the abdomen that protects the contents of the abdomen and provides a lubricating fluid to enable the organs to move and work properly.

Presently there are few treatments, but no specific known cure, for peritoneal mesothelioma. However, the options for relief and treatment of people with peritoneal mesothelioma have improved tremendously with ongoing research, especially if the cancer is diagnosed early and treated vigorously. Specific types of treatment include traditional chemotherapy: This traditional approach uses special anti-cancer (cytotoxic) medicines and chemicals to try to kill the malignant cells. Often, it is offered as an additional therapy alongside radical surgery or in combination with radiation therapy or immunotherapy, particularly when the cancer has spread beyond an operable area. The chemotherapeutic agents can be administered by mouth in tablet form or intravenously via needle into a vein or a muscle.

Another treatment option is surgery. Surgery for peritoneal mesothelioma entails cutting out part of the affected lining and tissue from the abdomen in order to remove the tumor. Whether or not surgery is performed and how much tissue is removed depends on how far the cancer has spread and how big the tumor is. Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove a lung or part of the diaphragm in order for surgery to succeed in removal of the tumor.

Yet another option is radiation therapy. In radiation therapy, high energy x-rays are used to shrink tumors and kill off cancerous cells in the affected area. There are two ways to administer radiation therapy, either externally where a machine is placed outside the body and emits radiation through the body, or through plastic tubes that enable radiation to be placed directly to the affected area.

There are also clinical trials and various experimental treatments, like gene therapy and immunotherapy, and antiangiogenesis drugs for the treatment of this life-threatening cancer. Research is being done vigorously, and doctors are continuously striving to achieve success in curing this disease so as to ensure that no one else falls prey to this dangerous cancer.

Mesotherapy provides detailed information about mesotherapy, cost of mesotherapy, mesotherapy before and after, mesotherapy injections and more. Mesotherapy is the sister site of Mesothelioma Doctors Info.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Your Body Your Dream Car

Writen by Laura Bockbrader

Think of one car that you would REALLY like to get this year for your birthday. It can be anything -- a Corvette convertible, Jaguar, Lexus SUV, BMW, Mercedes, Bentley ... If I were to give you that dream car, free of charge, without any effort on your part, just simply give it to you to have and use any way that you please, how would you treat that gift? Would you take care of it, treasure it, keep it clean, put the best type of fuel in it, wash it regularly and get scheduled tune-ups and oil changes? Would you even read the owners manual?

What if you had taken on a second job, saved $100 a month, and after 10 years of long hours and very little free time, you were able to purchase your dream car with your own hard-earned money. How would you treat your dream car then?

History proves that all of us appreciate those things that we work hard for more than those things we are simply just 'given'. Your physical body is no different.

I have been in the fitness industry for over 14 years, and have noticed several common denominators in the quest for optimal health and fitness. People who exercise 3-6 days a week take better care of their physical bodies than those who don't. They fuel it better with whole, life-giving foods, they dress better, they stand taller, and they have a higher sense of self-worth and value. They have a feeling of accomplishment from knowing that they have the power to change! And that those changes can TRULY last a lifetime.

God, in his Great goodness, has given us AMAZING physical bodies and unlimited mental capacity. We did nothing to earn it, nothing to create it, and nothing to receive it. It is simply a GIFT.

My question to you is ... How are you treating your gift?

Laura Bockbrader is Director Corporate Wellness, Weight Loss Partners LLC. Laura has a passion for increasing the quality and quantity of peoples lives. A NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Corporate Wellness Speaker, Laura brings over 10 years of experience helping people to make healthy lifestyle changes. Her areas of expertise include nutrition, body transformation, individual goal setting, personal workout implementation, group fitness, instruction, motivation, encouragement, communication skills, education, public speaking, enthusiasm, and a zeal for life. Visit Weight Loss Partners at and subscribe to receive a complimentary tip every week.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pertussis Or Whooping Cough

Writen by Ryan Fyfe

Whooping cough a.k.a(also known as) Pertussis is a highly contagious disease. Whooping cough is one of the leading causes of vaccine-preventable deaths. There are 30 to 50 million cases of Pertussis per year. Of these millions of cases there is about three hundred thousand deaths each year. Basically all of these deaths occur in children under twelve months of age. Another quick statistic is that of these 30 to 50 million cases, 90% occor in developing countries.

The disease was easily and widely recognized in as early as 1578. It was later isolated in pure culture in 1906 by Octave Gengou and Jules Bordet. The complete Pertussis genome of 4,086,186 base pairs was sequenced in 2002. Inititially the Whooping Cough is characterized by mild respiratory infection symptoms. These symptoms include a cough, sneezing, and runny nose. This initial stage lasts for about one to two weeks. After this first two week period the cough changes character, with paroxysms of coughing followed by a "whooping" sound. Often times these coughing fits are followed by vomiting. This constant coughing and vomitting in several cases leads to malnutrition. Coughing fits gradually go away over the first one to two months. Other complications of the disease include pneumonia, encephalitis, pulmonary hypertension, and secondary bacterial superinfection.

Whooping Cough is spread by contact with an airborne discharge from the mucous membranes of an infected person. The disease is treated with antibiotics like erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithromycin. These antibiotics result in the person becoming less infectious but in the majority of cases does not change the outcome of the disease.

Immunizations for whooping cough are often combined and given with tetanus and diphtheria immunizations. These immunizations are given to infants at ages 2, 4, and 6 months, and later at 15 to 18 months and 4 to 6 years. Many cases of Whooping cough in adults will go unnoticed and diagnosed due to the fact that it is much less severe.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Whooping Cough Symptoms -, which is the best site on the internet for all Whooping Cough related information.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Whats Liposuction About

Writen by July Black

Liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery that aims to remove fat from certain parts of the body. The procedure is also known as Lipoplasty or Suction Lipectomy. Popular areas of the body, which this procedure has been used for, include the abdomen, thighs, arms and buttocks. As this is a surgical method of fat removal, it is NOT considered an alternative to diet and/or exercise. In fact the goal of liposuction is often referred to as "body contouring" as opposed to weight loss.

Since the 1980s, Liposuction has undergone many changes in order to minimize the risks involved. As such, there are a variety of techniques available, which may not require the use of a general anesthesia. Usually, a local anesthesia is preferred as it reduces the risks associated with a general one - besides any prolonged hospital stay.

Each technique has its pros and cons; factors can include the condition of the individual themselves and the physician. Generally speaking though, the individual should be in good health, an adult, have tried diet and exercise, yet still find a significant amount of fat left on their body.

Having diabetes, an infection, heart and/or circulation problems and/or taking any medication that affects the healing of wounds (anticoagulants) normally preclude one from the procedure. There are also other considerations that need to be accounted for before an individual undergoes the procedure.

Considerations include the technique used and type of anesthetic. The elasticity of the skin covering the potential area is also considered. If the skin is not sufficiently elastic, it may not tighten properly for the desired effect.

Avoid smoking for several weeks prior to the procedure. Smoking can affect blood circulation. Again, no anticoagulants should be taken as well. This can affect the healing process. Also, no alcoholic beverages should be consumed.

In terms of ensuring a safe and expeditious recovery, the individual should drink enough water to prevent dehydration. Again, avoid alcohol, avoid using any ice packs, heating pads or submerging the affected areas in water.

In terms of some of the techniques, they are the following: basic liposuction with a fluid injection, tumescent liposuction, use of stitches, super wet liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL), power assisted liposuction (PAL) and external ultrasound assisted liposuction (XUAL or EUAL). Some individuals may opt to undergo liposuction combined with some other procedure. However, it is commonly discouraged.

This article has been brought to you by Liposuction Toronto

Friday, July 4, 2008

7 Tips For Meditation

Writen by Richard Pettinger

Through meditation we can bring about greater peace of mind and powers of concentration. The length of time we meditate is not as important as the focus we give during our meditation. If we can meditate with a silent mind for 5 minutes we can bring to the fore our own divine qualities of inner peace and inner happiness. This is an inner joy independent of any outer success or outer prosperity.

When offering meditation classes for the Sri Chinmoy Centre I offer these 7 tips which will help us to meditate more successfully.

1. Quiten The Mind

The Goal of meditation is to go beyond the mind. Meditation cannot be done by thinking. All the different paths of meditation share this common feature of cultivating a silent mind. When our mind is silent we can start to enter a new consciousness, a consciousness not limited by the intellectual mind.

2. Concentration

In whatever we do,we will be more succesful if we can concentrate fully on the task in hand. This means being single pointed. When we meditate we need to switch off from everything else and put all our attention onto the meditation.

3. Place to Meditate

It is very helpful to find a Quiet Place to meditate every day. I have a small corner of my room specially set aside for meditation. You can use a picture of a saint or Teacher who inspires you. Or just use flowers and a candle. If you meditate in the same place every day it builds up a meditative atmosphere.

4. Aspiration

Aspiration to meditate. If we are hungry then we are eat. It is the same with meditation if we are not satisfied with what we have and would like to discover the inner peace within ourselves then we will be motivated to meditate every day. This aspiration or inner cry is perhaps more important than learning many techniques.

5. Perseverance and Patience

In the beginning we cannot expect results overnight, each time we meditate we are adding to our capacity's even if we don't have great experiences then we need to persevere. If we practise sincerely we will progress.

6. Use the Qualities of the Spiritual Heart

The heart is the location of the soul. If we focus on the heart, immediately our thoughts have less power. By concentrating on our heart we can enter into the vastness of meditation.

7. Cultivate Happiness

It is important to bear in mind the goal of meditation is to uplift our consciousness and have a more positive outlook about life and about ourselves. When we meditate well we will have a positive outlook on life.

By: Richard Pettinger