Monday, June 30, 2008

What Triggers Asthma Attacks

Writen by Mike Herman

There are a variety of contributory factors to asthma and asthma attacks. The best way to protect yourself and your health from triggering these often frightening and life threatening attacks is to know what triggers them – and to avoid those triggers.

The words "triggers" or "trigger factors" of asthma are used for the things that can cause an attack in someone who already has asthma.

These triggers can be divided into two categories: those that are natural or occur in nature and those that are synthetic or manmade.

It is important that an asthmatic and their doctor identify the one or more triggers that can make their asthma worse and limit exposure to them through daily management of the disease.

Some of the natural asthma attack triggers include:

• Pollen and Allergens, from Grass, Trees and flowers

• Mold

• Dust

• Certain foods

• Animal protein (dander, urine, oil from skin)

• Respiratory infections and sinusitis

Some manmade or synthetic irritants that may trigger an asthma attack include:

• Cigarette smoke.

• Air pollution .

• Temperature or barometric pressure change, humidity, and high wind, for example, if you move from warm indoor air to cold air outdoors.

• Cooking or paint odors, coal and chalk dust, powders.

• Scented products, harsh fragrances, cleaning products, paint and varnish fumes, air fresheners, etc.

• Allergens that you are exposed to at your place of work such as chemicals, vapors, dust, gases, or fumes.

Medications are another potential factor against your health, whether they were created in a pharmacy or taken straight from nature.

Even herbal medications like St. Johns Wort can trigger an asthma attack. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are also a few of the other common medications that may negatively affect your health.

Still other factors include:

• Sulfites used as preservatives
• Exercise - heavy breathing may product exercise induced asthma
• Gastroesophageal reflux
• Tobacco or wood smoke
• Anxiety and stress

All of these factors work together or alone to create negative health effects and trigger an asthma attack. Anything that irritates your breathing apparatus, such as your nose, throat, lungs, and sinuses can potentially cause an asthma attack.

Learn More About Symptoms and How You Can Treat and Live with Asthma at Treatment for Asthma.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pelvic Pain The Secret Chronic Pain Condition

Writen by D.Herren

Pelvic pain is a widespread chronic pain condition that affects the lives of men and women all across the world. But most people don't realize how big the problem is because those who suffer don't talk about it. Why? Would you talk about your pain if it involved rectal pain or vaginal/penis pain to your pals? My guess is no. You would keep it a secret and just try to "brush it under the rug" so to speak. There are so many people that suffer and just accept their pain which is sad.

But change is coming...

In the past few years, pelvic pain is getting much more recognition. Awareness is beginning to grow and people are coming out and talking. So you may be asking yourself, do I suffer from chronic pelvic pain? In a nutshell, chronic pelvic pain conditions usually consist of urinary pain, rectal pain, muscle spasms or tightness in the pelvic muscles, and usually there is no sign of any major abnormalities. That is what makes the condition so tough, is that there is nothing actually found to be wrong with the sufferer.

Previously, most doctors would prescribe rounds of antibiotics or pain killers to take care of the pain. In most of the cases, there wasn't even any sign of an infection. Doctors would just prescribe what they thought might work. Overtime, this method didn't work. Today, there is a whole new approach to how pelvic pain is treated. One of the popular methods that has had good success is The Pelvic Pain Solution, an ebook written by a sufferer that beat pelvic pain (see )It is highly recommended if you suffer from chronic pelvic pain. The whole approach focuses on the body and the mind to beat pelvic pain. It is a more holistic approach that doesn't involve antibiotics or other invasive procedures.

Finally, people that suffer from chronic pelvic pain conditions such as prostatitis, vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, levator ani syndrome, etc. can have hope. The old methods involving pointless procedures (dilations, pain killers, antibiotics, invasive procedures) are about to bite the dust. There is a new turn to a more realistic treatment that puts the sufferer in charge of healing themselves...instead of someone else trying to heal them. This is new breath of fresh air for people with pelvic pain!

For more information on chronic pelvic pain conditions, visit:

Written by D.Herren

Oral Chelation Therapy

Writen by Jason Montag

Chelation therapy has always been a major topic of debate and now there is an added problem. Oral chelation therapy has taken the chelation therapy procedure to a whole new level and replacing the injected EDTA with a pill form of EDTA. Some of the same people that arenot supporters of chelation therapy are also not believer in oral chelation therapy. The difference is that there are some supporters of traditional chelation therapy that do not buy into the oral chelation therapy idea. Actually these same people have some theories of why oral chelation therapy is actually harmful to the human body. We will go into the basics of their argument for you to use as a basis for your further investigation.

Scientists say that the human body only absorbs five percent of the EDTA that is taken orally leaving about ninety five percent of the EDTA in the body. The huge amount of EDTA consumed form oral chelation therapy can stick around and mix with the undigested food and continue to absorb the nutrients from the food like copper, zinc and chromium. The more the EDTA absorbs the less the body has access to absorb. The lack of these nutrients can lead to a body's deficiency and lead to further problems. This can be a compelling argument against oral chelation therapy still many people and doctors are believers.

Another argument against oral chelation therapy but one that promotes traditional chelation therapy is the length of time that the EDTA is in the body. When a person is doing oral chelation therapy they are ingesting EDTA daily for along period of time. If the EDTA spends everyday absorbing nutrients away from the body the deficiency can occur. The way this differs from traditional chelation therapy is that the procedure can accomplish its desired effect in a month or so. This small window of time has less of a chance of leading to nutrient deficiency. Once the EDTA is out of the system there will be nothing for the body to compete with for the nutrients.

Regardless of whether you trust in oral chelation therapy or traditional chelation therapy from the start, both procedures are likely here to stay. The popularity of oral chelation therapy has been increasing recently and there is no saying how much more popular it will get. Check with your doctor if you are thinking of using chelation therapy to treat an ailment or buying oral chelation therapy pills. Be healthy and feel happy.

Get more information about Oral Chelation Therapy or traditional Chelation Therapy.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bulimia Treatment Advice And Options

Writen by Thomas Morva

Bulimia is an eating disorder compels people to binge on food and then purge through self-induced vomiting, diuretics or laxative abuse, or excessive exercise. People with bulimia tend to feel guilty and disgusted about food and fat. Even though most people with bulimia begin at normal weights, they think of themselves as fat. Roughly 90 percent of the people with bulimia are women, and the disorder usually begins a few years after puberty. Genetics, social pressures, and emotional problems like depression, low self-esteem, and extreme perfectionism contribute to bulimia's development.

Without bulimia treatment, people with bulimia become dehydrated and malnourished. This causes mineral and vitamin deficiencies, resulting in dry skin, nails, and hair. Many people with bulimia are constipated from laxative abuse. Constant vomiting brings up stomach acid that irritates the throat and mouth. Many people with bulimia have heartburn, gum infections, swollen salivary glands, and cavities from the acid eroding tooth enamel. Without treatment, some of side effects, like kidney failure, can become fatal. Dehydration can lower the body's electrolyte levels, causing heart problems or even death. About 10 percent of people with bulimia will die from it.

Bulimia, however, is completely treatable. The sooner a person begins bulimia treatment, the sooner the recovery. Successful recovery depends on the work of psychiatrists, doctors, dieticians, and the patient. Psychiatrists work with the patient to break the binge-and-purge cycles and to educate the patient about what she is doing to her body and mind. The psychiatrist and patient must identify the triggers of a binging-and-purging episode, as well as help the patient cope with an unhealthy body image. The patient must learn to communicate openly and must increase his or her self-esteem. Doctors work with the patient to treat the effects of bulimia's dehydration and malnutrition on the body. A dietician helps the patient develop healthy eating habits.

Group therapy and support groups are also helpful for people recovering from bulimia. Information about many support groups can be found online.

Bulimia Info provides detailed information about the causes, symptoms, and effects of bulimia; bulimia treatment and recovery; the relationship between anorexia and bulimia; and information about the "pro bulimia" viewpoint. Bulimia Info is affiliated with Original Content.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Secrets Of Teaching Yoga

Writen by Paul Jerard

What you are about to read applies to teaching, in general. In fact, we are all teachers, to some degree. You teach your friends, co-workers, strangers and family members on a daily basis.

The example you set teaches someone in some way. Whether you are a positive role model, or not, people, and the world, react to you. Sorry to say, you have more responsibility than you thought possible.

Do you realize that when you hurt one person, it will set a chain of events into motion? Even worse is that, most violent acts were stimulated by smaller, seemingly unimportant events.

When you talk to your students, always show mutual respect. Don't take advantage of your position as a Yoga teacher to temporarily feed your ego.

The first thing a Yoga teacher should instill, in his or her students, is self-motivation. The serious Yoga student must be a self starter. This is a person who practices Yoga at home, as well as in class. They don't depend on their friends to come to class, and they show up like "clockwork."

How can you make your Yoga students become self motivators?

You must show up to class early, enthused, and energized. Encourage all of your students and sincerely praise their achievements. The truth is, Yoga is like music, you can teach a student the basics, but to be a master teacher, you want to stir the creativity from within.

When your students become creators, you can help them refine their Yoga practice and watch them become self motivators.

A truly great teacher will produce teachers, who surpass him or her; and isn't "passing the torch" what it's all about?

My first taste of Yoga was over 40 years ago, at the age of 7, in a martial arts school setting. I have continued to study martial arts until this day and I have four teaching certificates in four different martial arts. Now I teach both Martial Arts and Yoga. I began to seriously practice Yoga (under Laura Foster) over twenty years ago due to martial arts competition related injuries. Laura was a skilled & knowledgeable teacher of Restorative Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Laya Yoga. After training with her for 3 years, she certified me as a teacher in 1987. I became certified as a Master Teacher (Guru) on September 15, 1995, after teaching over 5,000 hours under her wing. Shortly afterward, Laura retired at age 90.

Since that time, I started organizing Yoga Teacher Training camps. As time went on, we began getting requests from everywhere in the U.S. and Canada for a comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training correspondence course.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cholesterol Can It Be Too Low

Writen by Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

Can your cholesterol be too low? Many of my patients recall old news reports of studies that linked very low cholesterol with liver cancer, lung disease, depression, alcoholism and suicide.

The latest studies shows that a low cholesterol may be associated with cancer, but does not cause it. Before a person develops the symptoms of cancer, he often loses interest in eating and loses weight, which causes his cholesterol to drop.

The most famous study on the effects of cholesterol on health is the huge Framingham study, which tested blood cholesterol levels were tested every two years. The researchers showed that cholesterols started to fall up to 8 years prior to a person dying of cancer, and that those with the greatest fall in cholesterol in a 4 years period were those who were most likely to develop cancer.

A study from Russia showed that men who have low blood cholesterol levels are more likely to drink, are much thinner and have far less education than men with normal cholesterol levels. Drinking heavily and getting into accidents caused both the low cholesterol and the early deaths. Lung disease, alcoholism, certain types of cancers and many other illnesses suppress appetite, so people eat less, causing their blood cholesterol levels to drop significantly.

There is no evidence that a low blood cholesterol causes you to die early. If you have a low blood cholesterol level, your doctor could check you for a hidden cancer, addiction to alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, emotional disorder or other disease. If none is found, you should be delighted and usually can expect to live a long time.

On the other hand, if your cholesterol is high, you should worry because you are at increased risk for a heart attack or stroke. Follow your doctor's recommendations for changing your diet and starting an exercise program. If those lifestyle changes are not enough, you may need medication.

For the cholesterol-lowering diet I recommend see

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at

Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Manicure More Than Pretty Nails

Writen by Angie Kocsi

Pretty and well cared for hands are more than a delight to the eye. In the business world the two things often considered the most important in presenting yourself, are a good pair of shoes and well-groomed hands. Our hands say a lot about us and well-groomed hands make a good impression. Business and social occasions often require us to meet and greet colleagues and acquaintances. The first thing we do when we met someone is hold out a hand to greet the person.

Taking care of your hands with a regular manicure will add more than style to your appearance; it will also keep your hands well-groomed and prepared for all occasions. Whether you choose a full spa manicure or opt for an at-home treatment you need to follow a few guidelines to ensure that your hands are your best assets.

The manicure: Ultimate pampering at home or at the spa

1. At home or at the spa start with a comfortable place to sit. Soak each hand in a bowl filled with warm water and perhaps a few drops of your favourite aromatherapy oil.

2. Remove hands from the water and dry with a clean towel. Carefully clip and file the nails and clean gently around the cuticle area. Rinse hands and gently pat dry.

3. While the hands are still moist apply a light scrub to exfoliate the dead skin. Rinse the hands again in the warm water and wipe completely dry.

4. Apply a good moisturiser or lotion to the hands and wrists. This is a good time to enjoy a relaxing hand massage. Allow the moisturiser to penetrate.

5. Leave fingernails natural or apply nail polish.

Handy Notes: One of the very best ways to care for your nails is to eat a healthy diet. Boitin rich foods such as eggs, soy, whole grains and liver are reputed to promote healthy nails. Foods rich in sulphur minerals like apples, cucumbers, grapes, garlic and onions are also a must for strong nail growth. The essentials oils in salmon, seeds, nuts and tuna all help to keep nail shiny and pliable. A daily moisturiser will prevent those ragged cuticles and hangnails.

Spas in Canada Copyright 2005

Angie Kocsi is co-founder of After many years enjoying spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world along with an successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing Spas in Canada was created.

The Spas in Canada website provides a place where premier spas and industry professionals offer useful information and links for all spa lovers everywhere.

How Can Fat Burning Supplements Be Improved To Attack Obesity More Effectively

Writen by Terje Ellingsen

More and more scientists and supplement manufacturers are realizing that weight loss or fat burning supplements are associated with thermogenesis. They have also gathered more knowledge about the causes of obesity. In particular they have studied how brown adipose tissue - which is tissue composed of animal fat - are related to obesity. This knowledge is vital in combating obesity which we have more than enough of in our part of the world. Now, what is thermogenesis? According to The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary it is

"Generation or production of heat, especially by physiological processes"

and according to Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary it is

"the production of heat especially in the body"

So, what has the body's production of heat to do with animal fat and weight loss? Well, our bodies have three types of thermogenic processes;

Exercise induced heat production. Our muscles create heat as they work because they function much better when warm.

Body temperature regulation. Shivering when you get cold is an example of this type of thermogenesis.

Now, what the manufacturers of weight loss supplements are most interested in is the third type of thermogenesis and this is the thermogenic process induced by diets. How does this process work? When we consume food, the energy it takes to digest the food comes from our brown adipose tissue or fat. This fat is located around blood vessels and major organs, and warms up the blood as it is stimulated. More and more scientists now believe that the activity of adipose tissue is a vital component of obesity. Research has shown that obese people have much less brown fat activity, and thus less energy burned by thermogenesis which in it's turn can cause weight gain problems.

What weight loss supplements tries to do is activate the brown fat without any food consumption. This way the brown fat will instead use up calories from white fatty tissue with decreased size of fat cells as a result. The battle against obesity will in many cases be won when the supplements can handle this process perfectly.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer who enjoys to write about weight loss and fitness issues like workout and negative calorie food. Check out his website

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ephedra Diet Pill Product Information Smacker With Hoodia Review

Writen by Joe Rodriguez

Smacker Ephedra boasts that the ephedra product will SMACK THAT FAT, but can this 25mg ephedra product really delivery the extra energy and fat burning we have come to expect from ephedra? The short answer is YES. Smacker ephedra, now with the appetite suppressant Hoodia, really does increase energy, and burns fat just like the old ephedra products used to.

What Is In Smacker Ephedra

  • 25mg ephedra
  • 200mg caffeine from Kola Nut
  • 105mg White Willow Extract
  • Vitamin B5
  • Hoodia Extract
  • Serving Size: 1 caplet
As you can see, Smacker has the full ECA stack (ephedra, caffeine, aspirin), as well as the phenominal appetite suppressant of Hoodia! Ephedra itself is an appetite suppressant, but many find they need a little bit more appetite suppressant than what ephedra can delivery, and Hoodia really adds that extra appetite suppressant.

What's New With Smacker Ephedra with Hoodia?
The nice thing about the new Smacker Ephedra with Hoodia is that it now comes in caplet form. This way, if 25mg of ephedra per caplet is too much for you, you can just break the caplet in 2 (or more) pieces and control your serving. Diet Fuel with ephedra was a 3 capsule per serving ephedra product, which was good for people who didn't want to take full dosages, while others complained about having to take 3 capsules for full strength servings. Smacker, much like products like Stacker2 with ephedra has 25mg ephedra per serving but unlike Stacker2, it can be taken at half dosage. Stacker2 came in capsule form, which makes it very difficult to take half dosages.

Where to buy Smacker Ephedra
Smacker Ephedra is now being sold through a few distributors to many retailers and online stores. The most popular place to buy Smacker is at Bing Products.

Smacker with ephedra, bottom line
Smacker Ephedra with Hoodia delivers exactly what it says, it really does SMACK THAT FAT! Whether you are looking for the extra energy, appetite suppression or a strong fat burner, you should really take a look at Smacker Ephedra with Hoodia.

Joe Rodriguez owns a website EphedraTalk which provides valuable free information for anyone interested in information relating to ephedra, for example Ephedra Diet Pill Product - Smacker with Hoodia Review. Check out Smacker Ephedra now.

Why Arent You Using Fish Oil Capsules

Writen by Dan Ho

Fish Oil Capsules

Although taking fish oil by the spoonful may not sound appetizing, you can get the benefits of fish by using fish oil capsules, especially if you want more healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the human body, but are not created by the human body and must be obtained through the food we eat or by taking fish oil capsules.

Many doctors recommend fish oil as a dietary supplement, even if a person is eating fish often. For most people, often is three to five times per week. Fish oil benefits many organs of the human body.

Fish oil benefits to brain function are well known. There is a saying that "fish is brain food" and there is good reason for this. A large portion of the brain's mass is composed of omega-3 fats; in order to replenish and rebuild brain cells, a person must consume adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Fish oil capsules have been used to treat depression and attention deficit disorder with positive results, although the evidence is not conclusive yet. In the case of depression a combination of two specific omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) achieved the greatest results.

Fish oil benefits to the heart are also very well known. It is believed that the omega-3 EPA may prevent heart disease. Fish oil capsules used as a health supplement should be rich in EPA and DHA. It is believed that EPA may prevent arthritis and even cancer.

Fish oil capsules should be only made from purified fish oil and the source fish should be a fatty fish like salmon, herring or mackerel, or Hoki. Companies supplying fish oil as dietary supplements should be able to provide the consumer with information about the purity of the fish oil, the EPA and DHA content and the fish source.

Fish oil benefits the digestive system as well and can relieve constipation. Dietary changes, insufficient water or fiber intake may lead to constipation. Often it is not necessary to take a laxative which can have unwanted side effects; relief may be found by using fish oil.

Mothers often gave a spoonful of cod liver oil, which smelled nasty and tasted worse, but fish oil capsules are tasteless and odorless and provide all the omega-3 or fish oil benefits in an easy to swallow form.

Learn about the best fish oil capsules on the market and the product we ourselves take after extensive research by visiting:

Monday, June 23, 2008

An Acne Home Remedy Does Exist Will It Work For You

Writen by Peter Crump

Have you tried an acne home remedy? There are an amazing amount of products that are probably sitting in your kitchen right now, just waiting for you to put them on your face! You might be surprised at how helpful these acne home remedies can be. An acne home remedy may be more effective than you thought.

In this day and age, many of us are used to buying our cosmetics in pretty bottle form, with the name of some well-known manufacturer on the side. And while there is no doubt that skincare specialists are working hard to bring us the most up-to-date combinations of chemical ingredients to help our skin look good, many of the basic ingredients they use can be found in our own kitchens, just waiting for us to use them as acne home remedies!

Homemade acne remedies can be as easy to put together as slicing a lemon. The astringent properties of this fruit make it a wonderful acne home remedy. Simply rub a slice of lemon over your skin before you go to bed at night, and see how clear it looks in the morning. Tomatoes are also a great acne home remedy, and can be used in the same way.

Other effective homemade acne remedies include garlic, which can be applied directly to spots and pimples. An application of mint juice is also helpful in treating skin conditions, including acne, insect bites, and even cuts and scrapes.

Raw papaya can also help reduce the swelling and soreness of those angry, sore pimples, as can a paste made from the peel of oranges. There really are a multitude of products available right from your kitchen that can be used as an acne home remedy.

While many of these products are the basis for the expensive cleansers that you will find at the drugstore, using them in a natural form can take a little more time. But remember that these natural acne home remedies can also be kinder to your skin than their manufactured counterparts, which can ultimately have a more healthful effect on the condition of your skin.

Your kitchen contains many products that could be your acne home remedy. If you are fed up trying those sometimes harsh, highly processed skincare products, then a homemade acne remedy might be the refreshing change that makes a real difference to your skin.

An acne home remedy may work better than you thought.

Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne and Adult Acne, Acne Skin Care Products, the Best Acne Treatments and more at Peter's website, Acne All Gone.

Your Simple Guide To Healthy Younger Looking Skin

Writen by Aled Evans

 Limit your skin's exposure to the sun. Excessive UV exposure leads to wrinkles, discolouration, loss of tone and dehydration. Always use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15.

 Always drink plenty of water. This assists in flushing out impurities, fostering the development of new cells and improving circulation. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day.

 Plenty of sleep at night time is essential. This is when cells renew themselves and repair the day's damage. Seven to eight hours of sleep a night is ideal. Any less will result in your skin showing signs of fatigue.

 Eating the right balance of foods is vital. You are what you eat. A healthy diet comprising of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish and complex carbohydrates is recommended for most people. The better your diet the better your skin will look.

 Exercise on a regular basis keeps your heart and muscles fit. It also helps your skin by improving your circulation, which eliminates toxins giving your skin a healthy glow. At least twenty minutes of aerobic exercise is recommended daily. Walking, running, swimming, cycling and dancing are all excellent aerobic activities.

 Do not smoke as it destroys the underlying structure of the skin, leading to premature aging. It results in wrinkles and destroys elasticity. Over time smoking causes skin to thicken and discolour and creates lines around the mouth.

 Make sure that you do not drink too much alcohol or caffeine. Moderation is the key e.g. a glass of wine is relaxing but too much wine dehydrates your system, robs you of vital nutrients and may interrupt healthy sleep patterns.

 Try and reduce the stress in your life. Anxiety gives rise to a number of surface manifestations, including blemishes, hives, impaired circulation, itching, irritation and under eye circles. The key is to relax! Adopt sensible time management strategies. Participate in stress busting activities such as jogging, yoga or meditation. If stress gets the upper hand consult your doctor or a counsellor.

 While all these steps will help with providing healthier, younger looking skin, it is also important to get a helping hand by getting access to quality anti aging products and vitamins and minerals with traceability.

 I would be delighted to send you free information about the leading anti aging products on the market.

Aled Evans has a great interest in health and beauty issues which will help people lead a healthier, happier life.He is also an official distributor of Artistry beauty products and Nutrilite health products.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hair Loss In Women A Devastating Occurrence

Writen by Peter Crump

Hair loss is widely accepted as a man's problem and it is quite common to see bald men. However, hair loss in women is just as common, but it is more devastating for the individual when it does happen. The psychological impact of hair loss in women is much greater because many women see their hair as the main part of their beauty and take great pride in their appearance. However, this problem does not usually result in total hairloss as it does in men.

Hair loss in women has various different causes. It could be hereditary, but this is very rare. Also, the hair loss treatment for women is different from that of men because many of these treatments cause hair to grow on other parts of the body such as the face, back and chest. For hairloss in women, many doctors prescribe treatments of estrogen, but there are no proven studies that show that a lack of estrogen does lead to hair loss in women.

Androgenic alopecia is a condition that affects about 2% of the population, resulting in total hair loss all over the body. There is no cure for hairloss in women or men who have this condition, but doctors can prescribe treatments to help lessen the symptoms. Some of these hair loss treatments for women include glucocorticoids, topical treatments, of which Minoxodil is the only one recommended for women, or anthralin. Mild cases of hair loss in women respond better to these treatments than more severe cases.

Patterns of hairloss in women are different than in men. Rather than experiencing total hairloss, women usually have small patches of baldness and the hair thins only in those areas. Such things as severe stress, an illness or even surgery can cause sudden hair loss in women. Many women experience hair loss following giving birth and some medicines can also bring this on. In these cases, once the situation is resolved the hair follicles start to grow again and the hairloss process is reversed.

When a woman consults her doctor about a hair loss problem, the doctor will look for the root causes. Once the cause is identified then he/she will be able to prescribe the proper hair loss treatment for women.

Hair loss in women is more common than you may realise, but can often be treated.

For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Loss Treatments as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss.

Combating Seasonal Affective Disorder Sad Naturally

Writen by Stewart Hare

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) also known as Seasonal Depression and Winter Depression is an extreme form of common seasonal mood cycles of depression that is triggered by low natural light levels, this typically occurs in the winter months from November to March. It is thought to affect 5% of the population and a further 10% of the population can suffer from the lesser form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), known as sub-syndromal SAD. People whose profession needs then to work at night are extremely susceptible to suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Research is still looking in to the exact reasons why Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) occurs, the general belief is that the levels of the brain chemicals melatonin and serotonin react to low levels of light which causes the depressions.

Typical symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) are depression, feeling hopeless, lethargy, sadness, tearfulness, thoughts of suicide, sleepiness or excessive sleep, overeating, craving for carbohydrate and weight gain. These symptoms typically disappear in the spring and summer months. When these symptoms occur for three winters then Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is diagnosed. With milder form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), sub-syndromal SAD, the symptoms typically last between January and March.

Exercise, spending time outdoors in natural light and a course of light therapy which includes being exposed to a bright light of over 2500 lux for two hours a day will help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Eating the right diet will also help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), do not eat fatty foods for breakfast or lunch, avoid fatty, salty, sugary snacks such as cakes, biscuits, pork pies, crisps, pizza, confectionaries, doughnuts, salami and pastries, avoid alcohol, salt and caffeine, eat plenty of fruit, legumes such as lentils, chick peas and kidney beans, whole grain bread and cereals such as brown rice, oats and pearl barley, nuts and seeds, roots vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and parsnips and also cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, drink plenty of mineral water and herbal tea. It is best to eat, little and often throughout the day.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


Co-enzyme Q10

Multivitamins and minerals

St. John's wort

Vitamin D

Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural life

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Acne Solutions They Do Exist

Writen by Peter Crump

Acne is something that most people will encounter at some point in their lives in some form or another, and the prevalence of the condition has resulted in the creation of a multitude of myths regarding possible acne solutions. As anyone who has suffered with the condition will know, acne can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable condition, making sufferers all too eager to embrace any potential acne solutions in an attempt to rid themselves of the problem. Let's take a quick look at some commonly suggested treatments for acne, and see what works and what doesn't.

Your foundation treatment for acne should always be a good cleansing routine. It is often thought that those heavily medicated facial washes and cleansers are the best acne solutions, and while they are effective in some cases, they can be overly drying, which simply causes the skin to produce more oil. Acne can be an uncomfortable condition and using these products can lead to skin that feels tight and even more irritating. Try some of the milder products available – not all of these will be advertised as acne solutions, but a good gentle cleanser is often one of the best acne treatments.

And remember that while acne is not contagious, pimples do contain material that can lead to further spots if spread. Unfortunately your Mom was right on this – one of the best treatments for acne is to avoid touching your pimples.

While acne is a condition of the skin, there are non-topical acne solutions that can help in your acne treatment. While it is simply not true that eating chocolate and fried food directly cause acne, eating a sensible diet helps your health in general, which can in turn affect the appearance of your skin.

Unfortunately, there are very few quick fixes for acne, and treatments for acne invariably take some time to work. Try to be patient, and avoid stress, as this can aggravate the situation. The basis of your acne solutions should be a good cleanser and a topical solution that you can apply directly to each pimple. Slathering your face with a multitude of treatments can simply overwhelm your skin, so stick to the basics that work for you.

Keep it simple, and try to be patient. You will find the right acne solution for you.

There are acne solutions, but it takes some time to find them sometimes.

Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne and Adult Acne, Acne Skin Care Products, the Best Acne Treatments and more at Peter's website, Acne All Gone.

Snoring Remedy Simple Amp Effective Methods For Curing Your Snoring

Writen by George Taylor

When it comes to cures for snoring, there's a lot of different options out there. You can try everything from surgery to herbal remedies. But for many people who suffer from snoring, there are simple, home-made solutions that can help their situation.

Now they may not necessarily be able to cure their snoring, but there are certain things you can do that will at least reduce the amount of snoring you're doing at night.

The first solution (and often one of the hardest for most people) is the lifestyle change. Are you overweight? Do you have a poor diet? These things can cause you to snore. If you loose weight, you will invariably reduce your snoring.

Now I admit this isn't easy. But if I could do it, then I'm sure you can too. It's just a question of how much you want to stop your snoring. Is it affecting your health? Your marriage and relationships? If so, you owe it to yourself to do something about the problem. And if that means loosing weight and giving up some junk food, then that's what you must do.

Exercise is a good way of reducing your snoring, too. Having poor muscle tone is known to be a factor when it comes to how much snoring you do at night.

Obviously, these lifestyle changes won't take effect overnight. You will need daily persistence to make these changes in your life. But what can you do in between?

Well, you could try a few different products that open up your air passages to help you breathe easier at night. Some of the most common things to try are nasal strips (which can work wonders for some people), and certain "stop snoring" products like special pillows can also help.

A certain quick fix method that may help you (and your partner) get a better night's sleep is to sleep on your side rather than your back. This can be difficult for some people (hence the classic remedy of sewing a tennis ball onto your pyjamas to make sure you don't sleep on your back).

I hope my suggestions will ring true to you, even if they may seem a little tough to do at first.

George Taylor is the owner of the Snoring Treatment Blog, where he likes to give away free information to help people cure their snoring. He talks about any snoring remedy available, and readily reviews all kinds of treatment to see what works and what doesn't. For more advice on how to cure your snoring, be sure to visit his blog.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Writen by Richard Romando

People with epilepsy suffer from abrupt convulsions or blackouts. These convulsions are in medical terms called seizures. These are caused by sudden interruptions or excessive activity in the brain cells that result in cessation or mix-up of signals. Since the brain is pivotal to govern all our actions, the intensity and outcome of the seizures depend on which part of the brain has been affected.

Epilepsy is a syndrome and not a disease. It is broadly classified as generalized and partial. The generalized seizures impact the entire brain. A few examples of seizures are clonic, myoclonic, and tonic. Partial seizures begin in one part of the brain. They either stay at the same place or move to other parts.

The disorder has a direct impact on the nerves and related systems. Patients with the disorder, epileptics, suffer from intermittent seizures. Hence, they experience a certain level of physical discomfort or impairment during attacks. Occasional seizures are often mistaken for attacks of epilepsy.

The symptoms vary in intensity according to the individuals afflicted. Some patients experience only mild tremors in their limbs whereas others lose consciousness when seizures occur. Factors such as health history, frequency of seizures, and age prove vital in correctly diagnosing and treating the syndrome.

The causes for epilepsy vary according to each person's lifestyle and health. The widely known reasons for epilepsy attacks are excessive drinking, lack of enough sleep, professional and personal stress, and chronic illness.

Epilepsy may not necessarily hamper a person's professional routine if there is sufficient control of the disorder through proper and timely anti-epileptic medication. Persons working in factories or workplaces involving use of heavy equipment are provided with standard safety gear that suffices to protect epileptics.

Worldwide, physicians and researchers are essaying to discover newer panacea and diagnostic techniques for the disorder and make life easier for the patients. Various avenues such as bioengineering, sophisticated imaging and video captures, and genetic engineering are aiding the cause. Epilepsy foundations are set up in various locations to improve.

Epilepsy provides detailed information on Epilepsy, Epilepsy Foundations, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Epilepsy Treatments and more. Epilepsy is affiliated with Fibromyalgia Treatment.

Perennial Allergic Rhinitis

Writen by Viktor Radcliff

There are two types of allergic rhinitis: seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever)- when symptoms are experienced only during spring and/or summer, and perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) - when symptoms are experienced all year round.

The allergens that most commonly cause perennial allergic rhinitis are house dust, dust mites, cockroaches, cat or dog dander, and fungi or molds.

Industrial dust,fumes and chemicals can cause an occupation-related allergic rhinitis.

There is often a family predisposition to developing perennial allergic rhinitis and other allergies.

The symptoms of perennial rhinitis are described as like those of a permanent cold: blocked stuffy nose,constant sore throats and postnasal drip,headaches,loss of taste and smell.People with allergic rhinitis, particularly those with perennial allergic rhinitis, may experience sleep disorders and daytime fatigue.Some people with perennial allergic rhinitis show poorer psychological functioning than non-allergic people.

Symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis always flare up indoors.

The only way to prevent perennial allergic rhinitis is to avoid the allergen that causes it.For perennial allergic rhinitis caused by dust and dust mite, this means using dust mite covers for pillows and mattresses,cleaning floors and walls with a damp mop, and using an air purifier.For perennial allergic rhinitis caused by animal dander,keeping pets out of the bedroom, and off furniture, rugs and other dander-catching surfaces and having pets bathed and groomed frequently is the best solution.

Although perennial allergic rhinitis resembles the seasonal rhinitis in some ways, there are important differences in treatment options : perennial symptoms stem from allergens being inhaled deep into the lungs, so many medications that are effective in treating hay fever symptoms will be less effective.

Intranasal corticosteroid sprays have become the main recommended treatment in perennial allergic rhinitis,especially in patients with moderate or severe PAR.Decongestant sprays and tablets will help relieve a stuffy, blocked nose with catarrh.However,they should be used for short periods only.Anti-histamine medication may help, but it is far less effective than for hay fever.

Allergy testing is very important so you can identify the exact indoor allergen that causes the allergy.

Viktor Radcliff is the owner of website.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Allicin The Heart Of Garlic

Writen by Peter Josling

This is an extremely advantageous and effective combination. With the news reporting the inability of antibiotics to combat infections, such as MSRA, and fears of viruses like bird flu, this is also a timely combination.

Oregano, like many herbs, is a common item in the kitchen and seemingly a simple herb. What is surprising is the medicinal value of some of these common and "simple" herbs.

Research on Oregano has been ongoing for over fifty years. Ironically, this is about the same time that the usage of anti-biotics really began to take off. Oregano has proven effective against bacteria, fungus, and parasites without being subject to the resistance that anti-biotics are when facing many types of disease.

With the advent of widespread antibiotic usage in the late 1940s, doctors began to vanquish the bacterial germ diseases that had ravaged mankind since ancient times. By the 1960s such ancient enemies as diphtheria, scarlet fever, syphilis, bubonic plague and tuberculosis were easily treatable with modern antibiotics. Yet by the 1990s, antibiotics were no longer hailed as the miracle they had seemed just 40 years earlier. By the 1990s many bacteria had developed a resistance to most antibiotics. Widespread overuse of antibiotics also seemed to promote the development of fungal infections.

Oregano usage for the treatment of a broad range of conditions has been in place since the ancient Greeks. There oregano was used along a broad range of purposes to preserve food, open wounds, lung disorders, poisoning and more. Modern science has verified the broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity of oregano oil. Recommended use of oregano has continued up from the Greeks. Medieval Europeans used wild oregano to prevent milk spoilage. In the 1600s British herbalists promoted oregano as the ideal treatment for head colds.

Mr. Peter Josling

Recognized as an international expert on the properties of garlic and allicin, he is a leading authority on the medicinal benefits of garlic and garlic derived compounds. He has written several books and many articles and edited and published clinical papers regarding garlic and allicin. He is also responsible for a significant He offers advice and clinical data to people and institutions around the world. Peter is trained as a Chemist, graduating from Nottingham University as an Analytical Chemist. He worked for a Horticultural Government Research station and was responsible for all routine assays and interpretation of results for several research projects. He has worked in the health food industry for the last 15 years following a career in the pharmaceutical industry and medical publishing.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

An Overview Of Dietary Supplements

Writen by Jack Smith

How many times have you almost clicked on that pop-up Internet ad to buy a supplement that promises to give you relief from your agonizing asthma symptoms or one that will endow your skin with a healthy glow? There is a lot of interest and debate on the health benefits of dietary supplements. Do we actually know what the term dietary supplement means and are their benefits to health scientifically proven?

What are dietary supplements?
In the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the U.S. Congress defined dietary supplements as products that are taken orally, and contain a dietary ingredient, like vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars, and metabolites all of which aims to supplement the diet. Dietary supplements, also called nutritional supplements, can also be extracts or concentrates and can come in forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, gelcaps, liquids and even powders. The Act specifically states that dietary supplements must be labeled as such and must not be sold as a replacement for a conventional food or as the sole item for a meal.

Are supplements essential to good health?
While we more often than not question the efficacy of a medication, we seldom probe the benefits of a vitamin or a mineral supplement. What is important to know is that no matter how expensive or popular a vitamin supplement is it cannot replace a diet that is rich in natural nutrients. They are a safeguard against deficiency but everyone need not take them. If you're eating a healthy diet (consuming between 1600 – 2800 calories), with lots of fruit, vegetables, grains and fiber, plenty of fluids in the form of water and other beverages, eating fortified foods, you may not add supplements. However, if you are at risk for a nutritional deficiency, you may need to take them. People who are more likely to need a supplement are those who consume less than 1200 calories a day, elderly people, strict vegetarians, people who are lactose intolerant, pregnant women, smokers and alcoholics, people who are recuperating from an illness and people who don't consume a variety of foods.

Jack Smith writes about various topics. This article is free to re-print as long as nothing is changed, all links remained intact, the bio remains in full and the rel="nofollow" tag is not added to any of the links. Thank-you - Please visit the discount vitamin store and this nutrition website.

Types Of Laser Surgery

Writen by Marcus Peterson

A laser is a high-energy beam of light that can selectively transfer energy into tissue to treat the skin. Many surgical procedures are performed using lasers. General surgeons use a variety of laser wavelengths and laser delivery systems to cut, coagulate, vaporize or remove tissue. Some common surgical procedures use includes breast surgery, removal of the gallbladder, hernia repair, bowel resection, hemorrhoidectomy, solid organ surgery and treatment of pilonidal cyst. The advantages of using lasers are reduction of blood loss, decrease in postoperative discomfort, reduction of wound infection, decrease in spreading of certain cancers and better wound healing. Nowadays laser surgery is widely used in different areas of specialization such as dermatology, dentistry, head and neck surgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, podiatry, urology and in the treatment of certain cancers.

In the field of skin care, lasers have proven to be big blessing. Lasers can be used to reduce wrinkles around the lips or eyes and sometimes the entire face. The laser softens fine wrinkles and removes certain blemishes on the face. Certain types of birthmarks respond remarkably well to laser treatment. The laser effects a reduction in the size of abnormal blood vessels that cause these birthmarks. This in turn promotes a lightening in the color of the birthmark. Skin growths, facial 'spider veins,' warts, and some tattoos can also be removed by laser surgery. Another procedure that uses lasers is hair transplant. Lasers are used to prepare the area where the hair transplants will be placed.

The most common laser treatments used in dental surgery are carbon dioxides. This is used commonly for surgery of the gingival or gum tissues. Treatment of small cavities is done with the help of lasers that drill into the enamel without much noise or vibration.

Microsurgical lasers are used for precision cutting. They make incisions into the brain and spinal cord. Lasers are used frequently in vaporization and coagulation of tumors, especially those that are deep within the brain and underneath the brain. Lasers have made a huge difference in the field of medical science, especially in the branch of surgery.

Laser Surgery provides detailed information on Laser Surgery, Laser Eye Surgery, Cosmetic Laser Surgery, Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks and more. Laser Surgery is affiliated with Corrective Laser Eye Surgeries.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Asbestos And Mesothelioma Cancer

Writen by William Johnston

Asbestos is the biggest work place killer today. Those who have worked with asbestos or who are regularly in contact with someone who has are at risk from asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. All these are fatal respiratory diseases which are extremely difficult to cure. Research is being carried out in various research labs all over the USA and many pharmaceutical companies are also endeavouring to find new drugs and treatment methods.

One rare disease caused by asbestos which is becoming increasingly common is mesothelioma. Although unknown by many today, it is almost certain that awareness of this disease will be broadcasted worldwide because of its increasing occurrence in men aged between 55 and 70. Many of these men are now lodging multi million dollar lawsuits against the companies who subjected them to asbestos. Those most at risk from mesothelioma are those who have been in regular contact with asbestos dust and fibres without sufficient protection. Just a couple of months of exposure to asbestos can lead to mesothelioma 30 years later. The latency period (amount of time the disease takes to start taking effect) of mesothelioma is 30 - 50 years which is one of the reasons it is so difficult to cure because it is very difficult to tackle in its early stages. Another reason it is so difficult to cure is that its early symptoms are characteristic of many other more common diseases such as pneumonia.

Mesothelioma symptoms include:

- Chest pains   - Coughing that worsens over time  - Weight loss  - Shortness of breath  - Coughing up blood  - Nausea and vomiting  - Fatigue  - Wheezing  - Lung infection  - Swollen lymph nodes  - Loss of appetite

A patient will feel symptoms depending on which type of mesothelioma he or she has got. For information on the different types of mesothelioma go to:

In the next 35 years it is estimated that over 1 million people will die from asbestos related diseases in developed countries. Most of these people will die from lung cancer and mesothelioma as these two are the most prolific asbestos related diseases.

All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about mesothelioma can be found at:

All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about asbestos can be found at:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tanning Beds A Brief Intro

Writen by Yaksha Patel

You look great, work out every day and have a fit body.
Beyond that, you crave for that golden bronze look,
the look that would send the opposite sex into a tizzy.

Well, in that case let me welcome you to the amazing world of tanning bed products. Read on to know more about tanning beds, usage, accessories viz. tanning bed lotions, tanning bed lamps and a few tanning bed tips.

Tanning beds are devices that simulate the sun's UV rays that give your body the coveted bronze look. The vertical model the indoor tanning bed is preferred over its cousin, the horizontal model as in the vertical model, the tanning is uniform without any physical contact on any surface during the course of the tan and hence no pressure points for tanning. Widely regarded as the surer and faster way to looking great, tanning beds have been a great hit across the world although there have been several tanning bed reviews that broached the topic of harmful effects of tanning beds.

To get the best out of your indoor tanning bed, it's recommended to use specific indoor tanning oils that are available in the market than outdoor oils. Since the entire effect of the UV rays are on the skin, moisturizers are a must before one begins to use the tanning bed. Also the time spent inside the tanning bed depends on the stage of the tanning routine, the skin type and the number of tanning bed lamps that are being used.

An investment with rich dividends, indoor tanning beds have become commonplace, what with discount tanning beds and installment schemes paving the way for affordability. However, before acquiring a tanning bed, it is important to understand what you are paying for and the subsequent costs of owning this equipment. Apart from the initial set-up cost, tanning bed lotions, pillows, and lamps could all pinch your pocket a little more than you expect and hence it is advisable to do a cost-benefit analysis before making a purchase decision. As a long term decision, it is purely a matter of balancing the emotional need to look great with the financial need to curtail spends.

Discover the wonders of the tanning bed and get the dream look you have always wanted!!

Visit our articles section at Tanning Articles and Resources for more such practical tanning advice and tips.

© 2005,Yaksha Patel. This article is courtesy of Tanning Wonders - Making Tanning work for you !

You may publish it at no cost, as long as the links are left intact, made live, and this notice stays in place.

Should A Kid Start Dieting

Writen by Grace Palce

The accepted connotation of the term "diet" today, is a collection of food that is meant to help a person lose weight. This diet is closely linked to the amount of calories that a person deposits in his body. The basic idea is this: if a person eats less calories than his body uses, he will become thinner; and if the body eats more calories than what his body manages to use, he will become fat.

Growing fat is so un-cool that many adults and kids would want to diet. They worry about the measurements of certain body parts but they forget about what genetics have given them. You see, not everyone has a perfect body. In fact, many artists (who study the human figure) tend to believe that the majority of the people in this world have imperfect bodies. Some are born with large frames or big bones and some are born with smaller frames. This is why a friend who is not really fat may look bigger than others simply because of his bone structure.

Adults may go on diet, but kids should avoid weight loss diets. The sole reason is that kids are still growing and developing. Certain stages of your growth will make you grow "fat" and this is normal. What kids need are a variety of foods that will supply all the needed vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates. Skipping meals and eating a lettuce-only meals would mean that you are supplying less nutrients to your body and you may get sick or your growth would be stunted. You may even develop serious conditions such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Anorexic people cannot tolerate any food. Each time they put food in their stomach, the body reacts and vomits the food. Anorexic people are dangerously thin because they are already starving. Bulimic people, on the other hand, deliberately throw up the food they have eaten.

If you're a kid and think that you are fat, just become more active. Join physical sports. Jog or run, instead of walking towards home or to school. What you are trying to do is to burn more calories. Okay, some kids may appear too fat that it is no longer healthy. But drastic dieting won't help. What parents need to do is to consult a doctor. The doctor can give the proper advise on how the gain weight at a slower pace, without risking the kid's health.

Kids should forget about weight loss diets. They should focus on becoming healthier and stronger.

Grace Palce is writing health, diet and exercise articles for the 1200 calories diet site and family oriented articles for the Halds family blog.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Benefits Of Tanning Beds Beyond A Tan

Writen by Anne Clarke

If you believe that the only good reason to use a tanning bed is to get a tan, think again. Yes, indeed, that is likely the most common reason to use a tanning bed, but there are other benefits to using one, as well.

There are health benefits related to tanning beds? This may seem like a preposterous idea, especially since you have most likely only heard about the negative health effects of tanning in a commercial tanning bed – namely, skin cancer. But just as the sun is a source of so much more than just a good tan, so is a tanning bed.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important to protect against diabetes, multiple slclerosis, and cancer. Basically, vitamin D is something that everyone should have, and the best way to get it is from the sun.

In fact, although a "vitamin" is technically something that is required by the body but that the body cannot make, vitamin D is a vitamin that our bodies do, indeed make. Our bodies can make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Of course, these days, because of pollution, the fact that we humans now wear clothing and spend so much time indoors, etc., many people do not get enough vitamin D. In fact, even wearing sunblock can block the UV rays necessary for producing vitamin D.

So, how can people get their regular dosage of vitamin D? By going out and using a tanning bed, of course. And, in fact, in states with long, dark and sunless winters, there is nothing quite like a tanning bed to boost your levels of vitamin D.

Exposure to sunlight -- or a tanning bed -- a few times a week can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, and even cancers. Are you getting enough sunlight? Even during the winter months?

Burnless summer

If you have a tendency to burn when you spend time outdoors, it might be a good idea to visit a tanning bed, first. A tanning bed emits the exact same "tanning rays" that the sun does, so you need to use a tanning bed only for short periods of time. But it can be easier to get the brown tan you want (rather than the red one!) by visiting a tanning bed. Protect yourself against the sun by getting a tan, first! Just be sure to start with a very short exposure time and then slowly increase it. It is still possible to get burnt in a tanning bed.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, nutrition, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on nutrition and tanning beds, please visit Commercial Tanning Beds.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smooth Treadmill High Quality At Factory Direct Prices

Writen by Dean Iggo

Smooth treadmills, in my opinion are the best buy treadmills anywhere online or off. They pack heaps of features into a durable, quality machine that is priced just right. Anyone who is looking for a treadmill for their home gym or office should seriously consider a Smooth Treadmill.

These treadmills are manufactured by Smooth Fitness who have been around for over 20 years. If you have heard of them it's because they are predominantly an online only retailer. They come highly recommended by Runner's World, Prevention Magazine and Treadmill Doctor to name a few.

Because they are an online business they don't have the same overheads that a normal bricks and mortar business would have. As a result they are able to pass on these savings directly to you the customer.

What does all this mean you might ask...well quite simply "factory direct prices!" There is no middle-man so you save 40% - 45% off the normal retail price.

You could quite easily pay $3000 to $5000 for Smooth treadmills but they are very well priced at between $999 and $2999. There is a treadmill for every budget.

In the low-priced end of the range the Smooth 5.15 treadmill is excellent value for money. This includes a 10 year motor warranty. If you can't afford this treadmill I highly recommend saving a bit more until you can. As I've said in other articles just you can't expect to pay $500 for a treadmill and get a high quality, durable machine!

The Smooth 7.1 treadmill and Smooth 9.15 treadmill are both great treadmills in their own right. With Treadmill Doctor rating the 7.1 as the "best buy" in the $1000 - $1500 price range and the 9.15 as "one of the best values in the Smooth lineup"


Too many to mention here. Including 10 year motor warranty to save you costly repairs, stacks of benefit laden, inbuilt control features, amazing price for people with either cheap or expensive budgets.


Very few. They do charge extra for inside delivery and setup but at least they offer this service unlike some other companies.


In conclusion, I highly recommend Smooth treadmills. Apart from the extra cost for indoor delivery and set up, Smooth treadmills could probably be one of the "best buy" treadmills on the internet. A true diamond in the rough!

Dean Iggo is a keen fitness enthusiast and home gym user. He is also the webmaster of a website providing unbiased treadmill reviews and tips.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Is Hormonefree Milk Better

Writen by Dean Novosat

If you are concerned about the large number of chemicals and additives in milk, you may be tempted to give your family "Hormone-Free" milk. Unfortunately, there is no such thing! Hormone-Free milk is just a marketing phrase for "less hormones than chemically-saturated" milk. In fact, all body fluids and flesh from any animal contains hormones. Steak, hamburger, pork chops, milk, urine, etc. all contain hormones. What they are really advertising is the fact that they don't add hormones to their cows to artificially produce more milk. Any animal is a hormone-producing machine. We make our own hormones constantly. We don't need cow's hormones in our bodies as well!

However, this doesn't change the fact that milk hormones are bad for you. In fact, just eating meat can be bad for you. Anytime you eat or drink an animal, your body is assimilating that animal's hormones. The old saying, "You are what you eat" never rang truer!

We've made the point before that other animals don't drink milk once they are weaned. And other animals certainly don't sit down and drink the milk of other animals. Only we humans do that. Let's put it into perspective. Would you sit down for a bowl of cereal and ask for a nice big squirt of breast milk? Sounds sort of gross! But we do the same thing by feeding our children cow's milk. And who doesn't love a big bowl of chocolate ice cream? Yum! Frozen cow's milk!

So the question shouldn't be "Is Hormone-Free Milk Better?" but rather "Where are the hormones in my diet coming from?" If you want to grow to be a cow, then certainly drink plenty of cow's milk and eat lots of beef. All those cow and steer hormones will help you grow into a nice big bovine! But as humans, we should steer (pun intended) away from animal hormones period. There are plenty of other nutritional sources for proteins, vitamins, and minerals that avoid the hormone problem all together. We'll look at other plant-based foods in upcoming articles that will provide a healthy, nutritional alternative to animal-based diets. For example, a diet rich in spinach, broccoli, and other green vegetables, is better for you in the long run than beef and dairy. You may even be surprised how much better you feel once you eliminate meat from your diet and thus, reduce the amount of animal hormones you are ingesting and assimilating.

Dean Novosat writes about health and nutrition. He has two websites and

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Preventing Acne 5 Tips

Writen by Mike Singh

What is Acne - It is a condition in which the skin is inflamed. It occurs because of bacteria that enters into the pores of the skin and breeds. It can happen quickly. But, why it happens is what is important here. There are many causes of acne but the reaction the body has is the same. Understanding what happens to the body will help in the prevention of additional acne later on.

How it happens - The body normally secretes oil through the skin. This helps to keep the skin healthy. But, sometimes, there are high levels of oils being secreted. On the other side are the pores. The pores can become clogged, so to speak, with dead cells and the oils. The combination makes for a warm, wet location for bacteria to get into and to breed quickly. All of this leads to painful, unpleasant pimples on the skin.

Here are some tips to help you with the prevention of acne:

1. The most important thing to do is to keep your face clean. Your face is normally going to be oily, to an extent. But, you'll want to keep it as clean as possible nonetheless. Washing it with a good, quality soap is essential to keeping the excess oils off and the bacteria away.

2. Consider your needs for exfoliating. Remember those dead cells we mentioned? They too can get in there and help to cause acne. So, pick up an exfoliating cream or cloth and wash your face with it. It will help to remove dead skin cells from the face and therefore keep the zits away.

3. Seek out the help of a dermatologist. If you are facing continuous problems with severe acne or are otherwise concerned about your skin, you should speak to your doctor. They can uncover several things. First, they may find that there is a need to use prescription medication to slow down the production of oils within the body. They can also prescribe antibiotics to help rid the skin of these infections which are what acne really is.

4. Make sure that you are informed. If you educate yourself about what acne really is and why it happens, you can help to prevent it. It is also important to realize that not all acne can be treated or cured and that some of it is inherited.

5. Lastly, eating a well balanced diet and getting regular amounts of exercise really can make a large difference.

Mike Singh is a successful webmaster of Find out more about acne causes and treatments or severe acne remedies.

Introduction To Detox Diet Plans

Writen by Jason Uvios

A detox diet plan is not aimed at weight loss. It aims to cleanse and revitalize the body by combining natural organic foods, herbs and simple exercises to purge the body of accumulated toxins. Over time, consumption of processed foods, non-vegetarian foods, and sugars leads to clogging of the inner walls of the colon with waste matter. This results in overloading of internal cleansing organs like liver and kidneys. They become sluggish, allowing the toxins and bacteria to re-enter the circulatory system instead of total elimination through feces, urine or sweat. These toxins result in fatigue, infections of skin and other organs, migraines, flatulence, heartburns, constipation and many other serious diseases. A regular detox diet plan can rid the body of the accumulated toxins and lead to an active disease-free life.

General Detox Diet
This diet is not for diabetics, low blood pressure patients, anorexic people or teenagers, as it does not provide sufficient fuel for their physical activities. It can be a weeklong diet of liquids, organic raw fruits and vegetables to cleanse the system. Gradually re-introduce other foods but refrain from consuming non-vegetarian and processed foods. Certain natural herbs too can be used.

24-Hour Detox Diet Plan
This is a simple and quick way to revitalize your system, after a binge or over indulgence.

One glass of pomegranate juice (most powerful natural anti-oxidant) with a few almonds (source of oil and proteins)

Mid Morning Snack
One bowl of brown rice (source of vitamins and minerals in carbohydrate and some tofu (protein).

One glass pomegranate juice and big helping of mixed green salad (provides bulk and essential nutrients) drizzled with a tsp of olive oil or vinegar.

Mid-day Snack
One-glass of pomegranate juice and a handful of almonds.

One glass of pomegranate juice and a large bowl of brown rice.

Drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water daily. This detox diet will provide 1200 calories and wholesome nutrition to rid your body of toxins within 24 hours. It may help in losing about 600 grams of body weight and, if followed regularly once a week, will keep your body healthy and active.

Jason writes about various topics, health and fitness being one of his main focuses. Detox diets are all the rage these days, so Jason spends much of his time writing about various detox diet plans.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Heartburn Symptoms

Writen by Ken Marlborough

Heartburn is the most prevalent complaint heard about the digestive system. When the hydrochloric acid from the stomach enters the esophagus - the food tube that connects the mouth with the stomach - it inflames and irritates the unprotected lining of the tube and causes heartburn.

The most common symptoms of heartburn include a burning pain starting behind the breastbone and ribs and radiating upwards the throat. The pain usually starts after a meal. One may experience a feeling of liquid coming up the throat from the stomach. A bitter or sour taste in the mouth is felt in some cases. The pain gets worse with bending down or lying down. The other symptoms include burping and a feeling of bloating. If heartburn is due to Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), sleep problems, chronic cough, asthma, hoarseness, tightness in the throat, laryngitis, wheezing, bad breath, sore throat, ear infection, sinus infection and dental erosion are the conditions that may be experienced by the patient.

It is very important to differentiate the symptoms of heartburn and heart attack. Heart attack symptoms include tightness, pressure or pain in the center of the chest. The pain spreads to the shoulders, neck and arms, mostly to the left side. The heart patients experience cold sweat, nausea and vomiting, weakness and dizziness. There is general shortness of breath. Except for pain in the chest, which is common to heartburn and heart attack, others are heart-attack specific.

Heartburn is quite serious when it accompanies abdominal pain and or bleeding. It may be indicative of peptic ulcers, gall bladder disease, a tear in the esophagus or inflammation of the stomach (gastritis). Heartburn with vomiting blood indicates bleeding in the esophagus or stomach. This causes the stools to be dark.

Various tests are done to confirm and determine the severity of heartburn related to GERD. They are upper GI endoscopy, upper GI series, esophageal manometry and 24-hour pH monitor.

While the symptoms of heartburn can be easily felt and detected by patients, persistent heartburn may be a symptom of more serious conditions like hiatal hernia, esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus or even esophagus cancer.

Heartburn provides detailed information on Heartburn, Heartburn Medication, Heartburn Treatment, Heartburn Symptom and more. Heartburn is affiliated with Heart Rate Monitor Watches.

Balding Cures Scams Or Not

Writen by Mark Lambie

If you're one of the millions of men and women who are balding, you're probably paying an incredible amount of attention to the many companies touting products that will end your problems. Before you rush out to pay for the miracle cure, take a minute to evaluate the products and the companies.

One of the most important things to remember is your mom's advice – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you have eight hairs left on your entire head, a can of spray paint isn't going to make those eight look like a full head of hair. While there's some merit to the idea (mascara works roughly on the same principal and women with thinner eyelashes continue to use that product), use your common sense before you decide that this is going to be the answer to your balding problem.

Another point is to understand exactly what it is that you're buying. If you pay close attention to some of the advertisements, you still end the session knowing that the company is touting a cure for balding but have no idea what that cure is. If you hear an advertisement that catches your interest, be sure you know some details about the product. If you don't understand, ask. Any company that isn't willing to answer your questions is probably in the midst of a scam that won't work anyway. Also, don't settle for techno-babble as an answer. Be sure you understand. Don't be afraid of sounding stupid when searching for answers. It's going to be worse if you pay $99.95 for this product that turns out to be tufts of hair and a bottle of super glue.

Surgery for balding is a pretty dramatic step. If you're thinking of taking that step, find a reputable company to perform the procedure. The process has come a long way over the past few years, but you don't want to pay for a transplant only to end up with tiny rows of hair that look like a doll's head.

There's no doubt that balding can be detrimental to self-esteem. Confidence can plummet with balding and finding a product that helps reverse that is vital to some people. The important part of this equation is to figure out why you want to address the problem and the lengths to which you're willing to go. With some careful evaluation of the products and procedures available, you're sure to find something that works with your lifestyle. But for some people, finding the self-confidence to simply go on is the more viable solution to balding.

Bob Benson is the founder of Balding Cures online. We provide information on Hair Loss

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How To Get Free Medical Billing Software

Writen by Damian Sofsian

Free medical billing software providers are out there waiting to secure your business. Many software companies, if you qualify, will allow you to download their free demo software in hopes you will eventually add on more expensive options. Still other medical billing software providers will offer to mail out free demo CDs and training tapes. Another important feature that is often available at no cost to you is the care of all software upgrades, backups, data storage, and server maintenance eliminating expensive IT support and pricey upgrades.

One great additional benefit to obtaining free medical billing software is that many companies will help you to evaluate your needs in effort to ensure your future business. Investigating such possibilities is a worthy venture as there is so much competition and there are many new medical billing software services arising every day both locally, in the form of small start-up companies, and the on Internet.

Free services for medical billing abound. Since most companies who offer free medical billing software do not customize their complimentary products you may find that you have to piece together various services through the use of different companies and providers. Don't be discouraged all you need to get there are a group of decent software packages that track claims management, patient billing, insurance, and scheduling.

And don't forget to check and make certain that the software you choose is HIPAA ready and includes all finalized aspects of HIPAA to guarantee full compliance with HIPAA standards as they relate to the electronic storage and transfer of protected health information. Further consider carefully how the free medical billing software you acquire and/or assemble will eventually create a seamless workspace in which everything from electronic medical records to healthcare forms is integrated. Luckily you will probably be able to configure all the free medical billing software you get without assistance, quickly and easily so check it out, it might be a great solution for your medical practice.

Medical Billing Software Info provides comprehensive information about medical insurance billing software, HIPAA compliant medical billing software, easy and free medical billing software, and medical billing software prices and reviews. Medical Billing Software Info is the sister site of Medical Billing Web.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Easiest Way To Lose Weight

Writen by Melanie Mendelson

If you think there is no easy way to lose weight - think again. The easiest weight loss method could have been staring you right in the face all this time.

Here it goes:

* Stop drinking soft drinks. Drink water instead.

Dumping the soft drinks from your diet will result in dropping some serious pounds. Think about it:

* A can of coke packs in 150 calories.

* Just 3 cans of coke add up to 450 calories.

Now, you are in for a shock: a quarter-pound cheeseburger sets you back by only 360 calories, which is less than those 3 cans of coke. Now, what would you rather have: a warm juicy cheeseburger or the sugary water from the can?

If you currently drink 3 soda cans a day, you can save 450 daily calories by switching to plain water. Water has zero calories. Let's do the math: since one pound of fat equals to 3500 calories, you will lose roughly one pound per week just by leaving the coke behind.

Yes, you've heard it right - you can lose a pound of fat every week while you eat as much as you normally do. No dieting, no starving - don't change a thing about what you eat. The only thing you change is what you drink.

Now, let's do some more math, which gets better and better. 1 lb per week equals 4 pounds per month. Multiply 4 pounds by 12 months, and we get 48 lbs of ugly fat per year!

Unbelievable, huh?

Calorie savings on drinks provide you with yet another advantage: you can now eat more and still lose weight. For example, if you substituted 3 cans of soda every day with water, you have 450 calories to play with. If you eat an extra piece of chocolate that's worth 200 calories, you still save 250 calories and lose 24 lbs per year.

I can now almost hear you say - "Well, Melanie, what if I don't drink 3 cans of coke a day? I only drink one soft drink for lunch!" Good for you! Now, consider this: if you swap this lunchtime coke with water, you will lose 16 pounds per year. How's that for a freebie weight loss?

Since soft drinks don't make you full, it is very easy to dump them. Drinks are "liquid calories", "empty calories" - calories that are just not worth it. Soda drinks have no nutritional value - just useless sugars and chemicals that rot your teeth, make you gain weight and don't even fill you up.

Take advantage of the easiest weight loss tip on Earth -eat your calories, don't drink them.

Melanie Mendelson has helped hundreds of people lose weight with her rapid weight loss diet. Who else wants to lose up to 25 lbs in 30 days? Read weight loss success stories at

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bausch Amp Lomb Has Seen It All From World War I To Showing The World The Moon

Writen by William Lezubski

When you think of Bausch & Lomb, what comes immediately to mind is, innovation, quality, and their precedence in research and development of top-quality vision products! From the creation of groundbreaking sunglasses for the military in World War I, to high-level lenses that were made for cameras that took the first satellite pictures of moon, this company is truly on a mission to see the world through visionary eyes!

Bausch and Lomb being one of oldest continually operating companies going as far back as 1853 is known to be the pioneers of the eye care business. Historically they have engineered and patent some of the most widely used products such as the microscope, and binoculars, as well as many other optical goods used today!

Their goal was to perfect peoples eye vision, and they wanted to make sure individuals around the world had their quality of life enhanced through their technical achievements. This was truly accomplished when they first introduced their soft and rigid gas permeable contact lenses, lens care products for soft and GP lenses, quality eye drops, ointments, and vision accessories!

Bausch design, engineering, and technology, combined with their true brand acknowledgements, have put forth a commitment to ensure that anyone with a visual disadvantage could find a vision care product just right for their needs!

The Bausch Company is known for quality and craftsmanship

Bausch products not only established quality in craftsmanship, but also the modernization of their services and company operations. They make every effort to provide valuable public information to help people make proper eye care purchases through many online and retail pharmaceuticals. Bausch organizations have also gone above and beyond the level of customary service by establishing direct manufacture shipping channels in America that ensure that your much needed lenses are always available to you!

As the times and many of the products change in this world, it's comforting to know that Bausch & Lomb still adhere to the legacy of dedication to innovation, quality, and craftsmanship, which was established by two revolutionary men by the names of John Jacob Bausch and Henry Lomb.

About the author: William is the owner and the author of "Order Contacts Online 1st" available at

Ed Generic Drugs A Sure Cure For Erectile Dysfunction

Writen by Steve Clark

The market of generic drugs is growing in leaps and bounds with each passing day. The generic version of Viagra and other ED drugs are providing a breakthrough treatment for male erectile dysfunction often termed as impotence. The most attractive fact about generic ED drugs is their affordability as their price is much cheaper as compared to their patent version.

ED generic drugs have become a tempting option for numerous sufferers of the disease because they provide you the same benefit as compared to a prescription drug. The FDA approved generic drugs for erectile dysfunction are no means inferior to branded versions such as Viagra or Cialis. The best part about ED generic drugs is that due to their cheaper pricing, they are able to reach to a wide range of people.

The important function of these ED drugs is that they increase the body's ability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual stimulation. A man must be sexually stimulated to fully derive the benefits of these generic drugs. Sexual stimulation combined with erection can make your sexual experience an ultimate one. It helps in bringing spice back into your life.

A proper treatment of ED enhances your sexual health. More than 20 million men around the world use ED generic drugs regularly. But there are certain things which you need to take care of while using these magical drugs such as Kamagra and Caverta. Avoid taking it with a big meal or after alcohol. You're suppose to wait for an hour before attempting to have sex. It'll make your sexual endeavor more entertaining and fruitful.

Always remember that the ED drugs are not an antidote for sexually transmitted diseases like STD, AIDS, and Hepatitis. Never share these drugs with anyone because all of us have a different medical history and everyone has his or her own unique medical preferences. So use these drugs in the best possible way to derive maximum benefit from it.

About EDgenericpills

EDgenericpills is an authentic website advertising for genuine Generic pills. In order to educate people about current Viagra researches, fake Viagra and misleading ED products, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Generic pills, latest news, personal views, articles and discussion board on Generic pills related topics.

The author is an amateur writer focusing primarily on health related topics or on the health related research findings.For more information on Generic Viagra visit

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Can Nutrition Help Slow Down The Aging Process

Writen by Jim O'Neill

We all age. That fact is inevitable. But a lot of the negative changes that take place in our bodies are not. As we age, we become more susceptible to such things as heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and arthritis. However, medical research has shown that proper nutrition can slow down and even prevent many of these ailments.

It is estimated that nearly one half of all health problems in the elderly are directly related to poor nutrition. The elderly are by and large some of the most poorly nourished people. Some reasons for this are as you age your sense of taste and smell decreases, it is harder to chew, and you just don't feel hungry.

In some cases, financial reasons may affect the food choices made and it may be harder to get out and shop for food due to various physical factors. On top of this, as you get older your body may not be able to absorb some of the nutrition from food as well as it could when you were younger. In some cases a good multi-vitamin (preferably in liquid form) could help offset this. Your doctor can help you find one that's right for you.

Here are a few things that you can do to plan for better nutrition in your diet and a healthier life as you get older:

Plan out regular meals for each day and try to include vegetables in at least 2 of them every day. If you must snack, use fruits and vegetables rather than junk food like potato chips and candy.

If you have problems chewing meat, try going with things like fish and ground meats. Also try to eat more soups as they can have plenty of nutrition in them and they are great choices if you are on a budget.

Make meals more interesting by inviting a friend to lunch or dinner once in a while. Sometimes it can get boring to always eat alone and having someone over can entice you to get more creative with meals than you might when eating alone.

One thing you can do to ensure that you'll be getting better nutrition is to make each plate colorful. Different color vegetables for example generally contain different nutrients so the idea here is, mix it up.

Growing old may be inevitable but that doesn't mean you can't grow old gracefully and healthier and with a steady diet of proper nutrition, you can maintain better health well into your golden years.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

Horseradish Sauce Health Benefits

Writen by Kevin Pederson

The health benefits of horseradish sauce are numerous, sinus and cold cure to name a few. Horseradish sauce is made by shredding and pounding the fresh root to which is added lemon juice. In this form the horseradish juice can be stored in a cold place for at least a week.

Horseradish plant, like garlic, is a plant that you cannot successfully put through a juicer. The reason is that the essential oils are extremely strong, so strong that the toughest physique will find them hard to tolerate.

The horseradish herb is very beneficial for dissolving mucus in the nose and also helpful in sinus. Take a half teaspoonful of the sauce without dilution both morning and afternoon. Do not drink anything or eat for at least ten minutes after the dose. There will be a powerful feeling in the head, sometimes with sweating and usually accompanied by many tears (not of pain).

Sinus troubles cause much pain and misery. The horseradish attacks the very cause of the condition and brings relief. Sometimes it is necessary to continue the treatment for several months, but you will know when the horseradish has done its work because the violent sensations resulting from the use of the sauce will gently reduce and finally almost disappear along with the mucus.

It is a good idea to combine this treatment with the juices of radish, including both leaves and root and carrot. These two will help to rebuild the tissues ravaged by the sinus infection. You will understand that it is also vital to make sure that your eating pattern becomes well-balanced with the avoidance of refined carbohydrates and the adoption of a basically natural diet.

Horseradish is also specific for relieving water retention, or dropsy, as it used to be called. This is tied in with a stimulating effect on the blood capillaries caused by the action of the main therapeutic principle in the plant, a glycoside called sinigrin. Horseradish has exceptionally high vitamin C content, with 114mg per 100g (4oz) - this is one of the highest vegetable concentrations. It has as well some of the highest amounts of potassium and sulfur, and a good quantity of calcium.

Other uses that have been identified are for diabetics, where Professor Kuhn found an improvement in the blood picture, for coughs and catarrh and in the treatment of circulatory problems of a mild nature.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on benefits of not only juices and raw vegetables are mentioned, but importance of sauces made by horseradish are also mentioned.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Saliva Stops Aids

Writen by Raul Glasgow

One of the great mysteries of this century is the one how a young girl in Florida contracted Aids. The initial reports indicated that she may have contracted it from her dentist. Unfortunately, this theory was full of loopholes. One was that with all the millions of dental office visits each year, why were there not more than one case reputed nationwide? This fact plagued researchers over the next few years. Perhaps there was something in the saliva which prevents or inhibits Aids. Recently, scientists have discovered a protein in saliva that in test tubes prevent the Aids virus from infecting cells in humans. This explains why the spread of AIDS in humans is non-existent through the saliva. Dr. Tessie McNeely of the National Institute of Dental Research in Bethesda, Maryland and researchers from Amgen Inc. did the research and presented it at the National Conference on Human Retroviruses on January 30, 1995 in California. Now Amgen have genetically engineered the protein molecule in the saliva that prevents AIDS and are trying to find out if large doses can prevent AIDS.

There have been cases of AIDS reported, but they seem to only be caused by blood to blood oral transmission and are very rare. Nobody has documented a case of AIDS transmission through kissing. "That's why we decided to look at saliva," said McNeely, who initially studied her own saliva. The researchers added this saliva protein to a test tube with cells infected with the AIDS virus and found that the virus could not attach itself to the cell membrane in order to infect the cells. Even more impressive, the researchers could wash the protein out of the test tubes and the immune system of the cells were still protected for up to four weeks. It took only minute amounts of this protein called SLPI (for those who want to know what it stands for- SECRETORY LEUKOCYTE PROTEASE INHIBITOR) to produce this large amount of protection for the cells. Since SLPI is found normally in the blood also, but in very small amounts, It reasons that increasing the blood levels could help to treat AIDS without producing many of the side effects found in AIDS related medication.

This news is also good for people who were afraid to go to the dentist because of the fear of AIDS.