Friday, June 20, 2008

Perennial Allergic Rhinitis

Writen by Viktor Radcliff

There are two types of allergic rhinitis: seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever)- when symptoms are experienced only during spring and/or summer, and perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) - when symptoms are experienced all year round.

The allergens that most commonly cause perennial allergic rhinitis are house dust, dust mites, cockroaches, cat or dog dander, and fungi or molds.

Industrial dust,fumes and chemicals can cause an occupation-related allergic rhinitis.

There is often a family predisposition to developing perennial allergic rhinitis and other allergies.

The symptoms of perennial rhinitis are described as like those of a permanent cold: blocked stuffy nose,constant sore throats and postnasal drip,headaches,loss of taste and smell.People with allergic rhinitis, particularly those with perennial allergic rhinitis, may experience sleep disorders and daytime fatigue.Some people with perennial allergic rhinitis show poorer psychological functioning than non-allergic people.

Symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis always flare up indoors.

The only way to prevent perennial allergic rhinitis is to avoid the allergen that causes it.For perennial allergic rhinitis caused by dust and dust mite, this means using dust mite covers for pillows and mattresses,cleaning floors and walls with a damp mop, and using an air purifier.For perennial allergic rhinitis caused by animal dander,keeping pets out of the bedroom, and off furniture, rugs and other dander-catching surfaces and having pets bathed and groomed frequently is the best solution.

Although perennial allergic rhinitis resembles the seasonal rhinitis in some ways, there are important differences in treatment options : perennial symptoms stem from allergens being inhaled deep into the lungs, so many medications that are effective in treating hay fever symptoms will be less effective.

Intranasal corticosteroid sprays have become the main recommended treatment in perennial allergic rhinitis,especially in patients with moderate or severe PAR.Decongestant sprays and tablets will help relieve a stuffy, blocked nose with catarrh.However,they should be used for short periods only.Anti-histamine medication may help, but it is far less effective than for hay fever.

Allergy testing is very important so you can identify the exact indoor allergen that causes the allergy.

Viktor Radcliff is the owner of website.

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