Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome And How Do You Treat It

Writen by Tim Gorman

Dry Eye Syndrome is one of those conditions that can affect a lot of people but is often not too serious. Dry Eye Syndrome is usually brought about by a problem with the tear ducts that make sure that the eye does not dry out. Tears are mostly made up from water with a little salt and an oily outer layer so that the water does not evaporate. When the eyes blink it makes sure that the tears are distributed evenly over the eye. Then when there is too much in the eye that is not needed, it goes through into the nasal passages.

Usually Dry Eye Syndrome is just caused by the sufferer getting older. This is because our eyes produce less oil as we age and so the ability to retain the water on the eyes is not as proficient so water is lost quicker than it is replaced. Women tend to be more affected by this condition than men, but the main cause whether in men or women is aging.

There are other factors as well as getting older that can cause Dry Eye Syndrome or make it worse if it is already there. One of the main factors is the environment that people live in. If they are living somewhere that is very hot and does not have a lot of moisture in the air that can have an affect on the ability to produce moisture for the eyes. Smoking is also a very bad element for the eyes and can lead to Dry Eye Syndrome or can easily make the condition worse if it is already present. Working at computers can also be bad for the eyes and it is a good idea to take a break every so often if you feel that your eyes are getting tired.

One very simple way to keep the eyes from drying out is to blink often if you feel that your eyes are getting dry. Many people manage to keep their eyes feeling well and moist by using drops that are recommended by the local pharmacy. Another important factor to keeping your eyes healthy and moist can be your diet and it is important to make sure that you are drinking enough water each day. Another more drastic treatment is for plugs to be fitted to the drains in the eye so that the water does not drain away. If you think that you might be suffering from this condition then it is a good idea to see your doctor so that they can prescribe the best solution for you.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information on LASIK, contact lenses and dry eye syndrome that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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