Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Binge Drinking And Alcohol Poisoning

Writen by Jonathan Huttner

Binge drinking, which at least 44% of the college population has taken part in between the years of 1994-2004 takes the lives of about 50 college students every year. In excess of 1400 college students die each year from alcohol related injuries. Binge drinking is defined, by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, as five or more drinks in a row for men and four or more alcohol drinks for women.

Alcohol poisoning generally occurs when a person consumes a large quantity of alcohol over a short period of time. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which can definitely be lethal and is capable of producing various physical, emotional and behavioral effects as it acts upon different parts of the brain.

At a low level of alcohol consumption, inhibitions are reduced with vision, movement and speech impaired. With a greater amount of alcohol coordination, reflexes and balance is affected and after that the consumption of more alcohol affects a person's brain to the point where it's ability to control respiration and heart rate is impaired. Lastly, a person's heart rate can drop extremely low and breathing can cease resulting in coma or death.

To better understand alcohol poisoning, the body generally oxidizes about one ounce of alcohol (one drink) per hour. Depending how much one drinks, what they have in their stomach and how quickly they drink, it may take 45-90 minutes after a person stops drinking for them to reach their highest level of intoxication. This is why the person who has been abusing alcohol and has passed out must be watched very closely.

Some of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning are unconsciousness, vomiting (often without awakening), shallow breathing and clammy, pale skin. If you suspect alcohol poisoning, call 911 immediately. If you suspect the person may have a problem with alcohol or is alcoholic, do your best to get them into an alcoholism treatment center or drug rehab for a thorough evaluation. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Jonathan Huttner is one of the the principals at Lakeview Health Systems, an addiction treatment, alcohol and drug rehab facility.

Addiction treatment information and free live help 24/7 is being provided online at RecoveryConnection.org

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