Friday, August 29, 2008

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Writen by Kathy Thompson

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall! -- Who's the Healthiest of them All? Here is a handy-dandy check list for a healthy you. Discover how your face reveals your health.

1. If the area right under the eye is puffy and blue, you are working too hard, depleting your adrenals, eating too much rich food and causing an imbalance in the fluid balance of the body.

2. If you ears are redder than the skin on your face, you are overworking your adrenals glands.

3. If the area under the eyes is dark brown, your liver has energy stagnation.

4. If the two vertical lines from the end of the eyebrows are combined with two smaller hook-shaped lines, it indicates the gall bladder is showing stress.

5. Spots and lines on the forehead point to congestion from too much oilyfood or dairy.

6. Congestion such as white spots or a granular-like feeling under the skin and blotchy areas may point to yeast infection, too much dairy or sugar in the diet.

7. If the chin is red and swollen, it may mean there is a structural weakness in the organs, candida or stuck energy in the abdomen.

8. If the lower lip protrudes, this indicates a sluggish colon.

9. If the top lip is cracked, red or has spots at the corner, it may indicate stomach acidity or heat caused by inappropriate diet.

10. Lines which go down the cheek from the inner corner of the eye are an indication of bowel problems.

11. A yellow color around the mouth and lack of tone in the mouth, indicates digestive problems.

12. A green color around the mouth shows a liver problem.

13. Redness, puffiness, and breakouts around the nostrils and lower cheek indicate too many dairy products.

Remember, these are only signals that MAY occur. Consult your doctor for any concerned areas.

Feel free to print/reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or website as long as you leave all the links in place. Don't modify the content and include the resource box as listed. Please send a note when it is used. Thank you.

(c) Kathy Thompson - All Rights Reserved

Here's The New You! You have --- Self-Esteem, Money Your Pocket, Unlimited Energy, Confidence, More Time For Your Children..and it's all from "The List Diet". Complete details are here:

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