Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vitamin B3 Why We Need It And How To Get It

Writen by Tim Gorman

Vitamin B3 is a very important part of the B group vitamins. Its primary role is to help the body make proper use of carbohydrates and to transform it into sugars that can be used by the body. It is also essential in helping to allow the body to use proteins well and also to keep your skin healthy and it is important in maintaining the muscles and the body's overall fitness. The B3 vitamin is part of one of the major vitamin groups that is known as the B vitamins. This is a group of water-soluble vitamins that are very important for the proper performance of all of the major functions of the body. Vitamin B3 is also known Niacin and another useful function that B3 helps with is in getting rid of toxins from the body.

Niacin is also very helpful if you have high cholesterol. This is a much more acceptable alternative to those people who do not like to take chemical medicines if they can avoid it. However, if you are thinking of taking Vitamin B3 to lower your cholesterol, then it is essential that you consult your doctor as it can have serious side effects. It is also thought to be beneficial in the prevention of arteriosclerosis. This can be a very painful condition that can cause the sufferer great pain when the vessels are blocked by plaque. Niacin is also thought to be helpful in a great number of different conditions and maladies such as diabetes, cataracts and even burns.

Vitamin B3 is found in a variety of different food sources. One of the best sources if you want to take supplements to obtain your B3 vitamin is a yeast tablet. Of course, it can also be found in large quantities in such foods as liver, kidney and poultry. Fish is also a very good source of vitamin B3, especially oily fish such as tuna. Vitamin B3 can also be found in some seeds and nuts and in green leaf vegetables, carrots and tomatoes.

Although Niacin is a very useful vitamin in maintaining good health, it was first discovered when it was synthesized from nicotine and naturally this is how it got its name. Vitamin B3 is very important in many areas of the body and it is very important to make sure that you are getting enough of it. One of the best ways to ensure that you have an adequate supply of Niacin is to make sure that your diet contains enough of the foods that are known to contain it.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of VitaminSupplementsGuide.com. He provides more information on anti-aging supplements, dietary supplements and vitamin B3 that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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