Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cause Of Male Hair Loss The Sad Facts

Writen by Walter Patrick

Balding men will often think about the causes of hair loss in men but in reality your hair loss will often be inevitable depending on your genetic background and if your father / grandfather suffered hair loss. Sure there are some good treatments that may reduce the causes of male hair loss but many of the factors are already determined beforehand.

The major reason for male hair loss is related to genetics. This gene is a dominant trait that is usually present through the male gene. If you have a father, who was bald or lost hair, then you will be likely to lose your hair as well. However, it is important to realize that although this is the main cause of male hair loss, you can take care of yourself through nutrients to slow this process from happening at a very early stage.

The majority of men do not take proper care and attention for their hair. I am guilty of buying the cheapest shampoo and conditioner at the supermarket rather than checking out the best product depending on your hair.

There is a natural hair growth cycle for each hair. If the hair dies, it is important to brush out the hair. If it is removed, it will allow another hair to grow underneath it. Most men suffer hair loss and do not consider these factors.

This will also be a problem if you don't regularly wash your hair to remove the dirt that stops the hair root from growing. If you wear a hat regularly, it may cause the same effect. All men who wear baseball caps 24/7 may now be worrying about the long term effects !

The genes may also relate to the make-up of a male's hormones, which causes hair loss to be a larger factor. The hormones may interact in a different way. As they age, the hormones will change how they function and interact.

Hair loss in men is also possible due to stress and anxiety but this is only a very small percentage of circumstances.. Being under stress will cause the muscles in your scalp to restrict. As this happens, the circulation to the scalp is cut off. If this happens often and for longer periods, then it may cause hair loss in men and woman.

Having healthy hair will help fight the causes of hair loss in men but for the majority of men it is a fact that eventually you will follow in the footsteps of many of your family and have to cope with hair loss.

Just deal with it, remember that there are far more serious problems that could effect your health…

Walter Patrick offers a directory of hair loss solution websites at Hair loss Treatments

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