Sunday, September 28, 2008

Precautions When Using Raw Juices

Writen by Grata Young

Certain precautions are, however, necessary in adopting an exclusive diet of raw juices. Firstly, all juices should be made fresh immediately before drinking. Canned and frozen juices should not be used. It will be advisable that one should have one's own juicer for extracting fresh juices.

Secondly, only fresh ripe fruits and vegetables, preferably organically grown, should be used for extraction of juices.

Thirdly, only as much juice as needed for immediate consumption should be extracted. Raw juices oxidise rapidly and lose their medicinal value in storage, even under refrigeration.

Fourthly, the quality of the juices has a distinct bearing on the results obtained. In case of incomplete extraction of juices, their effective power is proportionately reduced due to the absence of the vitamins and enzymes which are left behind in fibre and the pulp.

Finally, if juices are too sweat they should be diluted in water on 50 : 50 basis or mixed with other less sweet juices. This is especially important in some specific conditions such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, arthritis and high blood pressure.

Fruit and vegetable juices may be divided into six main types. These are:

(i) Juices from sweet fruits such as prunes and grapes.

(ii) Juices from sub-acid fruits like apple, plum, pear, peach, apricot and cherry,

(iii) Juices from acid fruits like orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry and pineapple.

(iv) Juices from vegetable fruits, namely, tomato and cucumber.

(v) Juices from green leafy vegetables like cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley and watercress.

(vi) Juices from root vegetables like beetroot, carrot, onion, potato and radish.

Generally speaking, fruit juices stir up toxins and acids in the body, thereby stimulating the eliminative processes. Vegetable juices, on the other hand, soothe the jaded nerves and work in a much milder manner. They carry away toxic matter in a gentle way. Owing to their differing actions fruit and vegetable juices should not be used at the same time or mixed together.

It is desirable to use juices individually. In any case not more than three juices should be used in any one mixture.

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