Sunday, November 30, 2008

Are You Missing Something Like The Inside Of Your Bones Part 1 Of 4

Writen by Dr. Leslie Van Romer

In today's climate of too much information, too few facts, too many myths, too many money hungry businesses, and too many misinformed and unsuspecting Americans, you may be wondering what you need to do to prevent osteoporosis or the dissolving of your bones and how this bone wasting disease affects health and fitness.

Most Americans believe that osteoporosis is caused by the lack of calcium and our best sources of calcium are dairy products and/or calcium tablets.

Most doctors' remedy, aside from taking pills or drugs, for osteoporosis or the prevention of osteoporosis is drinking milk because milk has lots of calcium in it. After all, milk gives us strong bones and teeth, so we have always been told.

Actually, according to John McDougall, 70% of all studies say that the amount of calcium taken into the body has little or nothing to do with bone strength. In fact, those countries that consume the most calcium—the U.S., Great Britain, Finland, and Sweden—have the most hip fractures from osteoporosis.

Most of us equate osteoporosis, a bone wasting disease, with not enough calcium. In scientific journals, there is no such thing as a calcium deficiency disease.

Then what is osteoporosis? It is the loss of hard minerals from our bones. And what causes us to lose hard minerals from our bones?

There are many things we eat that leach calcium from our bones. One of the biggest calcium robbers of all is animal protein, any source of animal protein.

Animal protein causes the blood and the body to become more acidic than alkaline. An acid environment is not ideal for the body. In fact, some experts say that cancer thrives in an acid environment. The body must somehow neutralize the acidity.

That's where calcium comes in. Without getting too complicated here, the body pulls the calcium out of the bones to neutralize the acidity, and then we literally pee this calcium out.

When we eat animal protein and other food and non-food substances that leech the calcium out of our bones day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year the way most Americans do, the result is often osteoporosis.

So what else contributes to the dissolving of our bones besides animal protein?

Learn what you eat that dissolves your bones in Part 2 of: "Are You Missing Something? Like the Inside of Your Bones?"

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and life style coach. Visit for more inspiration.

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