Monday, December 1, 2008

Metallic Smell Bad Breath

Writen by R. Drysdale

Halitosis smells like hydrogen sulfide, the smell of rotten eggs. That is, it usually smells like that, although other unpleasant or unusual odors can be noted, and when there is a metallic smell bad breath is probably due to something a little more unusual. Most people would not describe the odor of halitosis as metallic; however, the individual suffering from the condition might describe it that way if his or her sense of smell or taste is a little off. If the problem is the common type of halitosis endured by so many people, ordinary products for treating halitosis might help.

Many things can cause a metallic taste in the mouth, but this does not necessarily mean that the odor of the air coming from the mouth is bad. In other words, a metallic taste bad breath symptom may be somewhat imaginary, and should be confirmed by obtaining an objective second opinion. A doctor can tell you whether you have a metallic smell bad breath or just normal breath odor, and he or she can also help to figure out where that odd odor or taste is coming from.

Things that are known to cause a metal-like taste, and may create a metallic smell bad breath, include stomach problems such as heartburn, jaundice, metal poisoning, other types of poisoning, dental problems, many drugs, and pregnancy. If you have any of these conditions, you probably already have a good idea where your metallic taste bad breath symptom is coming from.  Again, consult your doctor for confirmation and advice on what you can do.

When there is a metallic smell bad breath can often be treated with strong breath mints or other strong flavors that overpower the unpleasant one. Try lemon cloves or cinnamon for temporary relief. When the problem is caused by a medication or vitamin, you might be able to discontinue the pill, or take it at a different time of day to lessen the impact of the metallic taste bad breath symptom. Some causes, such as jaundice, or poisoning, require medical attention. When pregnancy is the reason; however, take comfort in the certainty that it will pass soon.

If you suspect that your metallic taste bad breath symptom is simply an odd presentation of ordinary bad smelling breath, try a good over the counter preparation or natural remedy. If you're right, it should work.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

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