Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Food Pyramid The Government Turned It On Its Head

Writen by Simon Volk

Your tax dollars hard at work have allowed the government to rework the tried and true food pyramid after 12 years. We all know and love the Old Food Pyramid, but I think what they have done is a good thing. For too long we have lived with this unchanged icon. This is a complete editorial comment, but considering the effort that more than likely went into the creation and education involved with both the old and new pyramids, it seems more Americans are obese than ever. Does that mean it doesn't work? First of all they added the concept of physical activity to the equation, not just they types and amounts of food. The amount of exercise, or lack there of, that we get has an effect on the amount of food we need to intake. The old pyramid was a one size fits all, some many servings of this or that with no mention or consideration for the individual and their physical activity.

Instead of this one size fits all mentality of the old pyramid, the new one also takes into consideration your age, gender, and physical activity. This is a vast improvement as it adds a level of customization to the guidelines. The number of servings is based on an estimated number of calories you need depending on your information. The New Food Pyramid website contains an interactive planner to help you decide what is right for you. Try it out and see what you think.

After all is said and done it is up to each individual to make proper use of the information provided. Uncle Sam will not be knocking at your door to see if you followed the food pyramid today or not. The goal is to eat healthy and to not consume more calories than your body burns throughout the day, or less if you are trying to lose weight. Combine this with a moderate exercise program and a multi-vitamin and you are leaps and bounds ahead of 90% of the population.

Sadly enough it is the simple choices we make everyday that determine our current physical condition. Make the right choices on a regular basis and you will see the improvements over time. A final reminder, before starting any diet or exercise program consult with your physician to determine what is right for you. Good luck and good health.

Simon Volk has been a contributing author for websites and is an acknowledged expert in the field of health and fitness. He can be found on the internet at the website: http://www.healthfitnessarticle.com

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